I might smoke 4-6 pipes a day and always use a fresh one with a different blend. I clean the piss out of my pipes after every use and they smoke as I expect them to. I don't remember the last time I smoked the same pipe in one day and I also cannot remember smoking the same blend in one day.
I have plenty of pipes and tobacco so no need to double up. I like a nice clean pipe that has been dried properly and the tobacco I smoke which is almost always flakes tastes great ever time out. I don't do average smokes, I strive for the perfect smoke every time and I am very good at making that happen.
With a pipe you don’t like much, try smoking it, two bowls back to back, before it cools off.
It’s not good. Every pipe smoker learns to rest a pipe between smokes at least until they cool completely.
I absolutely believe a pipe should be cleaned and rested a week at least between smokes. Years ago you read that in about every little instruction manual that came with pipes, and it’s still excellent advice.
Why this works, I think has to do with the pipe needing time to completely dry out.