If You Won?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2013
Edmonton Alberta
Imagine... you go to check your lottery ticket tomorrow and BAM you win the jackpot 100 Million dollars.
What would you do with the money, where would you move to? What tobacco would you stock up on? What would you buy first?
I would move to the Yukon and build my dream log home on 100+ acres off the grid with solar and wind power. I would buy a nice big truck and a new car for my wife. Might take a couple of trips to Asia, Europe, maybe Australia. I would have a nice cellar stocked up with a lifetime of fine tobaccos and very nice alcohols. Might even buy a plane and get my pilots license.

I would also pay off all my parents and relatives debt.
What would you guys do?




May 17, 2012
Bigger house, nicer car, everything else the same. The wife would force me to travel, but other than being wonderfully debt free I'd do exactly the same stuff I do now. More free time to do it.



Can't Leave
Mar 6, 2013
I would have fun giving it away. Family, friends, that deserving waitress! Imagine leaving a $20,000.00 tip to a waitress who had a jerk customer at the next table over!



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
What would I buy, you say? Any dang thang I want!!!! I'd start off with a gigantic log cabin on the side of my new mountain! Next would be a new truck, boat(s), garage full of Harley's, every gun and guitar I've ever wanted, and last (well maybe not last) but not least a killer collection of pipes and tobacco!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2013
Florida, USA
Canadianbiggame, our two dreams seem to be very similar. I would buy that farm I've been agonizing over near Trapper's Creek in the Mat-Su valley in Alaska. Then I would buy a CubCrafters Carbon Cub and finish getting my license. I would send my 1961 Volvo PV-544 off to Vintage Performance Development in NY to rebuild the suspension and engine. A Dunhill or three... A Jarrett Beanfield rifle and a really nice reloading setup. I honestly don't see how I could spend $100,000,000.00, even after taxes. I doubt I could spend 2 million. I guess I would set some aside for a college fund, and the rest would got to a charity. Since I don't play the lottery the chances of this happening are nil. Fun to think about though!



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
It has been said that chances of winning the lottery are as good if you play or don't play
Don't mean to be a kill joy



Oct 20, 2010
The best response I have ever heard to the question about what would you do if you won the lottery was, "I would cut back on my overtime."



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2013
Edmonton Alberta
I forgot about reloading supplies, I think I would buy a really nice pres and enough IMR to last me until I cant operate the press any more, I would also buy some really nice rifles and optics, hell I might even put in my own 300 yard range in the back yard.



Jun 16, 2012
Pay off my student loans and my wife's student loans. Set up a college fund and trust fund for my daughter and sisters. Pay off my parents debt. Buy or build a house in the coast in Medicino. Buy back my Dad's off the grid house in Upstate NY that I lost to the bank when he passed. Buy a huge garage for all my new cars and off road toys and workshop. Buy my wife the Audi she has always wanted. Quit my job and make jewelry and pipes. Increase my collection of firearms and ammo. Huge tobacco cellar and pipe collection. At least a 200 gallon planted aquarium. Invest a large portion of my winnings. Go back to school for a different bachelors and masters degree. I''m sure I'm missing a few things haha I'd find ways to spend it that's for sure!



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
Pipe Dream is of course to win the lottery.
For me, I would move about 50 miles from where I am now....outside of Charlottesville, Va in a modest home with wood stoves and loads of wood for the winters. I suppose the rest is obvious. A newer four wheel truck, hardback books for life, and then I would (as I am a cheapskate) actually purchase an upscale pipe...a Dunhill perhaps to see if these $300-$500 pipes smoke better than the $100 pipes I am smoking at present. And a tobacco cellar to match.
Then, invest the rest, live comfortably off the income and become a "selective" philanthropist. Former students need help with their education, friends who have lost their jobs in the down economy and the less fortunate.
Oh yeah, I'd also get another puppy or two, like the Old Cajun!



Mar 19, 2013
The first thing I would do is buy a Peterson Rosslare 999, then land in the Tennaway Valley.
I would also put a 6' chain link fence around my current 2.5 acres, put $5000 in each of the foodbank accounts for our area on a yearly basis, have professional landscaping done, and pay off my daughter and her best friend's house.
I'd also have the dent in the fender of my 1997 Dodge truck taken out. A million each would go into special accounts for my grand-daughters and their cousins so that they would have an income for life, and my wife would go out and buy a BLUE caftan with gold paisley print.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
First thing I would do is buy a Crosby Dunhill and then build up the biggest cellar I could. From there its family and friends and a few stupid things along the way.




Nov 21, 2011
I'd send a ton of baccy to crk69 and fireman03, to pay them back for what they sent to me. Pay off my parent's two houses and my sister's two houses. Replace my Les Paul Limited Edition thieves broke into my house to steal, but get an all-tube Marshall amp this time. Buy a Triumph motorbike. Get a bass boat. Buy a bunch of revolvers (S&W .41 Magnum in particular) and some rifles. Go hunting in Alaska. Randomly give huge tips to waitresses. Stick a turbo on my Miata. Give a bunch of cash to a poor single mom I know. Invite all the D/FW pipers to my new house and give everyone new pipes and tobacco. Adopt every Angel on one of the Salvation Army's Christmas trees (to give toys and clothes to poor kids at Christmas).
Get at least one Dunhill! And a bunch of Escudo! And go visit Bradley and make him tell me stories.



Nov 12, 2012
Start paying off my debts and those around me. Buy a house with a bunch of acreage, get a boat for my dad and then myself. Get a truck to tow said boat around. Put money in an account for both my boys.



Apr 26, 2013
So $100 mil. Well first choice, payments or pay out. I'd go payments, tho many dis agree.
Since they pushed it out to 25 years, it would work out to 4 mil a year. I would tithe it, since I roll old school Christian, which would leave 3.6 mil.
So in the US with the tax rates you would get somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-2.2 mil a year after taxes.
With that, I would set out to invest 1.5m a year for at least the first 5 years in order to establish a good base investment pool.
I'd hook up my parents and siblings and then live comfortably on the rest.
I would expand my cellar to look roughly like pecks and get a 7 day set of Charatan Coronations, Rad Davis, 1971 Dunhills ( birth year ), and S Bangs. I would also get the BoTang dead root pipe from Marty Pulvers' site. That pipe is awe-some!
And there, you go.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
The usual things such as buy an affordable home, saving accounts for loved ones, and of course a cellar to end all worrying of the future price hikes. Where I different is I would throw a lot of money into a business. What I know and what I would build is a Durable medical equipment company. I wouldn't want to retire at the ripe old age of 25. I would also donate a great sum to irrigating land in Africa and research into "super strains" of wheat/corn, diamond mines shouldn't be the only choice for entire villages.



Feb 21, 2013
I hate to be so literal, but the first thing I would do would be to get control of the money, in the sense of

developing a realistic idea of how much was real net gain, versus what would be taxed and pillaged by law.

Then I'd work like a dog to find as honest legal advice and accountancy as I could. I'd do the usual real

estate upgrade, vehicle upgrade, and such, and support immediate family so they'd be secure. Luckily,

both my wife and I like travel, so we'd enjoy that more. And if I was really well-off, I'd try to find some

good works to invest in, so I wasn't just lost in a sea of self-admiration. Pipes? I'd add a rack of high

end briars -- two or three high-end Dunhills, and a few of those artisanal $1,785 pipes I visit online just to

examine. I'd light one of those right up, and I wouldn't be too careful about charring the rim. I say,

pipes are about a good smoke.



Dec 11, 2012
I'm with MSO - first thing I'd do is talk to a friend of mine who grew up in a family with money, and get the name of his financial guy... Then probably the house upgrade, new vehicle, and determine whether or not I could afford to retire on the winnings.
After all that, I'd fill out the pipe rotation with a couple of pipes for English/Lat blends, try out a Dunhill, stock up on the tobaccos I know that I like and start sampling seriously. My brother still has student loans to deal with, so I'd make him an offer. My mom's in an assisted living facility now (permanently, which she's not really happy about), but her house is free and clear, so not sure what else I could do for her... Niece could probably use a college fund. Beyond that, we've got a list of travel destinations and conventions to attend. :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 14, 2010
Build a 500 seat theatre with a full stage.focus on classic movies

A few live acts, and 2 to 4 productions a year. Coupled with a soundstage for filming.

Would also purchase a railroad siding , and get in to chemical distribution.

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