Only one choice? Hehe, it depends on the climate.
On a hot tropical island it would be SG Skiff Mixture. On a more well tempered it would be Black Mallory. And if really cold and windy, a Marlin Flake. Wouldn’t ask for more in a long time but eventually miss all the others ?
I could name several but if forced to pick just one I might say Plum Pudding Special Reserve. I'm smoking that as I write this. If I was smoking something else I might name that. ?
Pegasus and though i had some trouble thinking of a second choice, i would say bracken flake, which isnt made any longer, but since this is fantasy im going all the way
I would have to bring some rope tobacco, probably SG Brown #4. Easy to store, can be prepared pretty much any way you want (coarse, shag, coin, rubbed out), and is tasty as well. If not a rope then I would have to have some sort of plug.