At this point in time, if I could only smoke 1 blend it would have to be Peterson's University Flake. Nothing else I've tried so far comes close for me. I can't get enough of it.
There have been 2 previous threads like this one (before you joined us), but anyway you should be glad to have a favorite blend that is in great supply....unlike Penzance which is my favorite and is only available on Ebay at rather astronomical prices. It's the old supply and demand, lets raise the prices and get all the blood we can get syndrome.
The best review of 1Q I've seen said something like: As unremarkable as 1Q is purported to be - I find myself wishing I were smoking it when I was smoking something else. Or something like that... (typed while puffing on some 1Q, incidentally)
STOP IT!! What a stress inducing question.....why put so much pressure on one's self. We discuss tobaccoo; not pink floyd albums.
Re the oriental supreme uncle arthur: is that comperable to mcclellands "yenidji supreme" ?
tanless1: lol, yes, point taken. I thought it might be a good way to create a list of exceptional blends...but, I'm new, what do I know.
I wouldn't want to have to pick one Pink Floyd album either. : )
Right now...probably 1Q with GLP Maltese Falcon as a close second.
Keep in mind I'm only up to having tried 5 blends at this point (1Q, Maltese Falcon, Dunhill Royal Yacht, Mac Baren 7 Seas Gold and some unnamed vanilla blend)
I love these "pick one..." threads as it helps build the list of what goes next on my list to try.