@flanative: I hear ya!
It's not a "real" question. There isn't some dystopian future where we are at war with Eastasia and your ration kit will have three grams of "Big Brother's Own" pipe tobacco.
Personally, I always rotate blends and pipes, depending on what I feel like. Even if the greatest blend on Earth was revealed to me by a chorus of angels singing on high, I would still rotate, if only to appreciate anew the flavors of it when I came back to it.
I think we can agree that at some level, we're all pipe enthusiasts here. Part of our enthusiasm has to be the exploration of variations on the pipe experience. This question, while evil on the outside, is just a way to get you to gut check and think about what is your favorite if you had to forsake all others. It reminds me of a question my seven-year-old daughter asked me the other night. After watching a tropical getaway commercial on TV, I'd explained to her that everyone had different ideas of paradise. So she asked me: "What is your paradise?" I stopped and thought about it. And I found it wasn't palm trees or exotic getaways or room service. It was just being wherever she and her mother and brother were. It's a bit like folks here finding that they would choose PA or Captain Black or 1Q.
I hadn't thought about it before and after thinking about it, I think I felt a little more at peace with my life and choices I've made.
It doesn't mean that I don't like getting out into the big ol' world, though...
