I cruise the artisan pipes sites, Quality Briar, smokingpipes (they have plenty of inexpensive pipes but perhaps the largest US artisan offering), Scandinavian Pipes and Al Pascia, regularly. As such I see many high-end brands. There's no way I could I could choose just one. Favorites are Anne Julie, Eltang, Former, J. T. Cooke, Bruce Weaver, J. Alan, Maigurs Knets, Rolando Negoita, Dunhill, Alex Florov, Jorn Micke, etc., etc.
I like classical shapes with enough variation to make them interesting. I have enough pipes but buy more anyway as I love buying them, and I love them. I just got an Edwards Algerian Briar, 7" Smooth Canadian for $65.00; except for the length, it's nothing unusual. When I can get quality for that price it tickles me. But not so fast. The draft hole was small, about the size of an Upshall, which looked unusual, but I smoked a half-dozen bowls to see if the draft would work as is. It didn't. At about the half-way mark it produced less smoke and was also hard to keep lit. I got out my teeny files and opened it up some; and although the draft still looks small, it seems to be sufficient now.
I don't mind having problems such as this that are easy to diagnose and fix.