My favorite lighters are the IM Corona Pipemasters. I currently own 8 of them in all the different shapes and models. I own 2 of the pipe shape lighters, 2 of Gold colored lighters, 1 Black Pipemaster, 2 Pipemasters with the wood side, 2 of. the Herringbone Silver models. I also own one Old Boy in the silver lines with the flint system. I am guessing that the PIemaster is going out of business as inventories are getting very low and retailers are carrying few and fewer. The last Pipemaster I bought was the silver one with the wood on the side that retails for around 175.00 and is being sold for 113.00. The solid gold one are only selling for 104.00. I plan on cornering the market on Pipemaster lighters. I also own one Zippo lighter with the pipe insert which I never use as I really dislike the flame because it is bulky and unwieldy.
Here is a pic of my Dupont lighters.
I forgot about my IM Corona Old Boy in Briar. The lighter to the left of the Old Boy in Briar is my Davidoff pipe lighter. I bought that in Paris in 2000 when the French Franc was in the toilette. It was 7.5 francs to the dollar. It has a nice leather case to it and I se it only when I a out to a fancy dinner. So does anyone agree with me that I have a lighter issue?