Frankly, I'm convinced it's leukoplakia....There's obviously no point in obsessing over this
I, for one, am impressed with the confidence that you have in your self-diagnosis.
Next step: Self-treatment.
leukoplakia is non-cancerous in 99 percent of the cases
All the more reason to wait a month or so to seek treatment. I mean if it IS cancer, well, that's going to be expensive, right? Better wait for insurance to cover it.
Honestly, the way you've gone about all this baffles me to no end. First, you seek the advice of total strangers, then you diagnose yourself via the interweb, then announce that it's most certainly precancerous, but that you are going to wait to see a
doctor dentist until someone else pays for the visit.
Maybe it's because cancer runs in my family. Maybe it's because it killed my only sibling and almost killed my mother and father. Read this:
Potentially serious health issues don't get treated by debating them on the interweb. You get your posterior to a qualified doctor posthaste, and if you still have any doubts, you seek a second, third or fourth opinion in quick succession.
Barring you doing this, I'm calling either BS or sheer stupidity on your part.
(Peck, you da' man.)