I Need To Vent

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King Bulldog

Starting to Get Obsessed
Do you know how much it sucks to lose a patient no matter how much you tried to keep them alive? Happened to me early this morning. What makes it worse is that he was 16. Same age as my little brother. I couldn't save him. I tried for 2 hours to stop all the bleeding from a hit and run. This kid was on his way home from a friend's house. I had to break the news to his parents. I feel so useless. Nothing I did made any difference. I lose a lot of people due to the nature of my job but this was a kid. I'm just so down right now. I'm doing paperwork right now just to avoid the ER. I just needed to vent this. Thanks for reading.
This is an odd group of guys to vent things like this too. I hate that you have to go through this, but also that you don't have someone better in your life than a bunch of pipesmoking wiseguys to vent to.
When one of my customers dies under my care, I've done something really really wrong, but I also am in a different field than you.
But, thank you for being a doctor.

King Bulldog

Starting to Get Obsessed
This is an odd group of guys to vent things like this too. I hate that you have to go through this, but also that you don't have someone better in your life than a bunch of pipesmoking wiseguys to vent to.
When one of my customers dies under my care, I've done something really really wrong, but I also am in a different field than you.
But, thank you for being a doctor.
I figured it would be better to vent here than to deal with the psychology department. Those guys and gals are too much feelings oriented. Just realized it is my birthday too. Such a day already lol.

King Bulldog

Starting to Get Obsessed
Happy birthday. Unfortunately, in life we do what we can do and sometimes it’s not enough to get the outcome we would like. It sucks but there is nothing you can do except keep trying your best and remember, it’s not all in your hands. The BIG guy has the final say in these things not us. Hang in there.
That's a good way of thinking. God has a plan for everyone it seems. I'm one of the rare surgeons who are a believer. Most I know are self-righteous atheists. Going to swing by Saints Peter and Paul and ask for communion and a blessing.


Might Stick Around
Nov 18, 2023
Stanislaus County, California
I was a medic in the Army for four years. At first I thought I'd make a career out of it. About three years in, I was doing a hospital rotation, and a nurse described having to debride the burns of an eight year-old and I nope'd the eff out and into computer science. I don't know how you do it, but as a father and grandfather, I'm grateful that you do


Oct 10, 2013
I started to write an insightful missive about human compassion and ego, but since I’m recovering from sinus surgery, my brain isn’t up to it. Suffice it to say that, almost 40 years later, I remember every patient that died in my presence while I was a phlebotomist in a community hospital. I had dreams about it for years. And I was a service worker, not a clinician.

King Bulldog

Starting to Get Obsessed
You know in your heart you did everything you could do. You are only human, not divine.
Yeah. That's true. We like to think ourselves as Gods (some surgeons anyway) so it's hard to move on from bad surgeries. I'm considered the Iceman in the ER/OR because I numb my feelings afterward. This got to me though.
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