I Mean No Disrespect To Shrinks!

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Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
I get the point of what you many of you are saying here; however, for me it was a psychiatrist who saved my life. Fortunately, I went to one who required a lot of hard work and did not just offer relief in the form of a pill.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2015
Good for you! I definitely believe that a real psychiatrist can do all the difference. Pill dispensers not as much



Mar 22, 2011
I'd say this is nothing but disrespectful to psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists (three very different disciplines, by the way) but when you say "I'm crazy and I have the papers to prove it", I figured that this didn't actually happen. It's a joke, right?



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I know people who have been found to be mentally deficient in some manner and have the papers to support the claim.
Some responses are certainly disrespectful. They have the right to be disrespectful and offend whomsoever they wish. Their statements do speak volumes about themselves though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 21, 2015
I went to have a chat with a counselor a few years back after a traumatic experience. My wife thought it would be a good idea. It was surreal. I ended up talking about everything, why I felt I could not talk with others about it, steps I needed to take to make corrections, and targets that would signal that I had moved on. The counselor hardly said a word, just sat there and nodded at the right time, and made listening noises. It was great!
I probably should have gone back a few times....



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I think everyone is crazy to some degree. I see it as a range from Dr. Seuss crazy to Charles Manson Crazy, with various degrees in between. Heck, even just doing what you are supposed to do in the usual day to day is a little crazy. So... I'm just going to smoke my pipe with this here cat, and discuss whether the ham was green too.



Might Stick Around
Apr 27, 2016
I've dealt with some good ones and some others that it baffles me as to why they chose that profession. There are some that care and put in the effort to help, and others that seem to stare at the clock and count the money in their head until the hour is up. A Xmas party wouldn't be my first choice in getting into a deep conversation in anything involving mental health!



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
I think everyone is crazy to some degree.
Yeah but making a fool of yourself at an office holiday party is easily avoided by most sane people. Generally when I read I mean no disrespect I'm thinking someone is going to shoot his mouth off with something disrespectful.
Let hope this poor jackass' wife has a job next week. LoL! (I mean no disrespect but...) I have a feeling gainful employment is not his strong suit. 8O



Mar 25, 2016
Hmmm ... my undergraduate degree is in psychology, though I didn't pursue this as a career. I worked as a systems analyst for a graduate psych department, and a number of my friends became clinicians. Most of the students I knew got into the field because they really wanted to help people; many were successful to this end.
Oh, yeah ... most of them know what real life is about as well as any of us here.



Feb 21, 2013
My late wife went for counseling with a psychiatrist related to her facing a tenure decision in her teaching life, since she had invested so much in her career. The doc asked her to bring me along so he could see how she interacted with her significant other. At one point, he asked us to just talk to each other so he could hear how we communicated. Off we went, a mile a minute on various subjects. Eventually he stopped us, and after a pause asked (smiling in a friendly way) "How long can you go on like this?" I always regretted not saying, "Twenty years and counting." But we just politely assured him we talked together a lot. As we were leaving, he turned to me and said, "You've been in analysis haven't you?" No, I never have. Nor actually had I ever seen a counselor of any kind, other than required screening with school counselors who signed off on a form. I was intrigued that I seemed as if I had, since this doc was a good observer and smart.

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