I love tobacco

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Sep 20, 2011
I love tobacco. I just do. I make no apologies.
I enjoy all forms of tobacco. I smoke several rollies throughout the day, generally with my first morning cup and right before bed. I've been a big cigar guy in the past, though not so much now. I even chew tobacco - mostly dip - on any given day, particularly when I'm working outside on the farm or hunting. And of course I smoke a pipe. Only thing i don't do is snuff.
To me, cigarettes are like the beer of the tobacco world. Cigars are like the Bourbon (or Scotch, as an analogy for you non-Southerners). Pipe tobacco is like the wine: more subtle, infinite in its variations, intriguing in its complexity. I would hate to choose only one, but if I had to it would be the pipe.
Tobacco is the New World's great gift to mankind. Yet it is so often maligned in today's world, perhaps largely due to the modern, industrial cigarette - ironically containing very little if any leaf tobacco.
Any other complete and utter tobacco lovers out there, or are y'all strictly pipe men? Do you find you are caught up in the general negativity surrounding tobacco or do you get a pass on account of the pipe?



Jun 2, 2010
I also love the stuff. I just don't like the feeling in my lungs when I inhale so I don't smoke cigarettes anymore. I have always been into cigars, pipes, chew, dip and snuff. I love that wonderful plant. My whole family on my dad's side seems to be the same. I can remember getting picked up by my uncle Johnny to go rabbit hunting. He would pull up in his old station wagon smoking a Parodi and with a big wad of mail pouch in his mouth at the same time. Spit on the floor of his car and everything. Dude was harder than the hinges of hells gates.



Jun 28, 2011
I use tobacco in every form too. Like you, if I had to give it all up but one, I would keep the pipe.



May 22, 2012
Don't ever compare cigarettes to beer, some people actually take pride in brewing really awesome beers like I do. Got a Blood Orange Heffeweizen going right now and a Scottish Ale :P The stuff out of the can... Well go right ahead! :)



Feb 14, 2012
@sothron that is my feeling exactly! I've done all forms of tobacco and have finally found my niche in the pipes!



Sep 20, 2011
Glad to know I'm not the only one.
Just to clarify the beer analogy: that wasn't meant to disparage beer. Like beer, there are many classes of cigarette. There's the bud/Marlboro and there's the smaller batch good stuff. In the case of cigarette rolling tobacco, in some cases it's made by some of the same folks that bring us pipe tobacco. Maybe the anology isn't perfect, but I hope it wasn't understood to be deragatory. Anyway, I love a good rollie- in moderation. I also love a good beer :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
Austin, TX
I'm definitely lover of all (well, most) forms of tobacco as well. I smoked cigarettes for most of my teen to early twenties years and gave that up once I discovered real tobacco. I would still chew to this day if my wife didn't find it so disgusting. Today I still love pipes and cigars, right now mostly pipes since I have gone through a period of renewed interest in the hobby. I also like nasal snuff as well but unfortunately I'm almost out and mail ordering it isn't an option anymore. At least not from U.S. sources.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 31, 2011
I too enjoy most forms of tobacco (just not cigs or dip). Besides pipes, I also frequently enjoy both snuff and snus, and occasionally cigars.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 10, 2012
South Carolina
Tobacco is epic, with out a doubt. I think for one to use tobacco with any seriousness, one has to have a fondness for it. I like to smoke rollies, my pipe and the occasional chew or dip.



Sep 1, 2011
I also like nasal snuff as well but unfortunately I'm almost out and mail ordering it isn't an option anymore. At least not from U.S. sources.
I order nasal snuff from the UK and get it in a week from the mr snuff web site.
I smoke a pipe and enjoy German and English snuffs.



May 29, 2011
Pipes and cigars, myself, but pipes mostly. Never, ever smoked cigarettes, not directly anyway.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
Ah the wonders of the magical tobacco leaf. It is nice to hear that I am not alone in my liking of many forms of tobacco. Regularly I dip (morning and bedtime) and smoke a few bowls in my pipe (afternoon and evening). If I am out with my brothers, friends who smoke, or am setting in a casino I will have a cigarette. Finally, on special occasions or when I have money to burn I love a nice cigar. Of course the move I fall in love with pipes the less money I want to spend on a cigar and the more I want to put toward a new pipe.



Sep 20, 2011
@Terry "I love tobacco" = I'm addicted to tobacco.
Sure, yes. But it's so much more than that. Picture, if you will, the stereotypical industrial cigarette smoker buying GPC by the carton and puffing through two packs a day of sheet tobacco and God knows what else.
Contrast that to someone constantly exploring and seeking out new forms and flavors of leaf tobacco.
Both may be addicts. Only one is an enthusiast. The former may in fact be cursing the industrial cigarette as he lights it up, "I hate these things."
Hence the thread title "I love tobacco".



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 5, 2012
Since I picked up the pipe I quit smoking nails, dipping, chewing, and hardly ever smoke cigars anymore. I didn't have to choose only one, but I just enjoy my pipe more than anything else.



Can't Leave
Jan 1, 2010
I too love tobacco. My fav is the pipe, but I also enjoy rollies. I won't turn down a good cigar when offered one, I seldom buy them but will gladly smoke all that are given to me. :D I enjoy snuff when I am where I can't smoke. If I had to choose one it would be the pipe, just glad I don't have to choose. :puffy:



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I live to smoke. I grew up with my grandfather on my dads side smoking cigars( I have his old humidor) and my grandfather on my mom's side smoking a pipe. My dad smoked cigarettes, pipes and cigars( I have his old humidor that I bought him), but when he died it was cigarettes and cigars. I grew up with the smell of tobacco in the house and loved it. I started smoking little cigars when I was 12, cigarettes and big cigars( used to hang out at Fenway Park smoking White Owl Invincible's) when I was 13. I have been smoking something for 43 years. I was a huge cigar guy for 25 years, but only smoke them on rare occasions now, I have quit cigarettes for as many as 6 years in the past and have quit again about a month ago. I got into pipes in 2000 and got out after maybe 8 years. I am now back to pipes full time and plan on sticking with them till I die. I have never chewed, or dipped or sniffed tobacco.
I will die with smoke in my mouth if I have something to say about it, so yeah I guess I do love tobacco.



Apr 5, 2012
United States
I'm mostly a pipe guy however I have dipped in the past I occaionally smoke cigs, like you said its like cheap beer, so at parties when it would e kinda weird to have a pipe I'll smoke cigs. The 4th of July is a good example I smoked my pipe until we went to the fireworks In the park, I was smoked a cigar there and the. The after party (in my college town) I smoked cigs. And the. When I finally got home around 3am I smoked a pipe. :) don't really dip anymore that was more of a thing to do in welding class and well in school in general haha.



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