A good pipe lighter would get it done, no problem. If affordable, I'd smoke it.
There are lots of different approaches with bowl coatings. I use (and have personally revised) an all food-grade coating which was developed by a pipe makers guild. About 9 of 10 guys say they get zero taste from it...and when that one super-sensitive guy smokes one, it's only a very mildly sweet taste that's detected. Haven't had one friend or customer ask me to remove it yet, and I've been using it for a few years. But I know...lots of you hate the very idea of a coating. I'd personally rather not taste the grain myself, but to each his own.
There are lots of different approaches with bowl coatings. I use (and have personally revised) an all food-grade coating which was developed by a pipe makers guild. About 9 of 10 guys say they get zero taste from it...and when that one super-sensitive guy smokes one, it's only a very mildly sweet taste that's detected. Haven't had one friend or customer ask me to remove it yet, and I've been using it for a few years. But I know...lots of you hate the very idea of a coating. I'd personally rather not taste the grain myself, but to each his own.