That sucks, hope you get better soon.
I have been very lucky to not get it at all so far, no vax as well.
I have been very lucky to not get it at all so far, no vax as well.
If I were you, I'd start looking into immune system boosting foods and vitamins. Also exercise man.It's starting to piss me off. I have Covid for the 2nd time in 30 days. I have had 2 weeks sickness free since November 1st. I have had sinus infections, Flus, other flus, and the damn Rona.
I am tired of being sick. I am eating yogurt every day because I swear I have had every anti-biotic known to man in the last 80 some days.
/vent off
It's a currently unverified, and largely nonsensical story by a group that runs one debunked made up conspiracy theory after another. Project Veritas, which is under investigation for buying stolen property for which they paid $40,000 is, to put it palinly, an unreliable source that make caims that are repeatedly proven false. And it makes them a lot of money by doing so. Project Vertas has been asked to provide the actual unedited video footage of the unknown interviewee they claim is a high ranking Pfizer exec, and they have refused to do so, which tells me what I need to know. BTW, I challenge anyone to find any listing for this dude on the Pfizer site. I did a check going back three years using the Internet Archive's wayback machine and couldn't find a single mention of him.Well, shit's certainly gettin' real with this COVID business, innit?
The Pfizer director's reaction after learning everything he said was recorded on video: