Easily my 2nd favorite addiction! Bye the way very nice work done on your tattoo. Welcome to the tattoo fold. I have several, in fact several large ones. Hold overs from my mispent youth in the Army. But I must say I don't regret them. In 2006 my wife of ten years passed away. I was angry, and in a fit of who gives a shit what anyone else thinks got a forearm sleeve done of an Angel in prayer and a cross with roses and her name. I have to be honest life goes on and there are days I wished I had put it somewhere less in your face. Firstly because I have moved on and started a new family and it has got to be hard on my current wife to see it everytime she looks at my arm, but also because it get's damb hot in the summertime going to client meetings with a long sleeve dress shirt on. I guess my only advice for you guys getting your first tattoo is try to keep it under a tee-shirt, you will be glad you did at some point in your life no matter how much that tattoo means or what it represents. Trust me when I tell you I had a better reason than most for getting mine and I don't regret doing it but I should have given others feelings some thought too.