I Got a Scolding Today

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Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
@Pastorpiper: I think you handled that well. I don't know if you need a wake-up call. But if you should decide to stop smoking, it should be your decision and yours alone. And I agree that it is a strange experience to be caught off guard like that.



Jun 3, 2015
It’s ok tobacco, they’re giving you a break today....https://www.yahoo.com/news/glyphosate-under-fire-san-francisco-sri-lanka-132906775.html



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2017
Greene, Maine, USA
I dunno about the lightning strikes. My dad was struck by lightning twice in his lifetime. When he had to get a hip replacement, it was on the same side that both the lightning strike's charges went to ground through. Coincidence or many-decades-long cause to effect?
Then there's that one National Park Service Ranger who had been struck by lightning on seven different occasions (the last time I heard about him, anyway).
Giving up smoking a pipe (or any other thing some busybody considers to be a "bad habit") will MOST CERTAINLY NOT prevent one from eventually dying, as there is no Guarantee printed on the back of anybody's birth certificate.



Feb 21, 2013
I agree with workman that the woman was responding to her brother's illness and demise. I don't think it was hypocrisy, just the usual self-contradiction. I just had bacon for breakfast. I'm wearing a t-shirt that says, "Keep Calm And Eat Bacon." But I like pigs. They're interesting critters -- smart, energetic, adaptive. I've stood near a sow who had built a nest in the woods and had her litter of piglets. I was careful and quiet, advised that she could be defensive. I appreciated the whole scene. I still like bacon. It's the human condition. Health-wise, many things are a balancing act. Some people overdo, pipes or bacon. Some are so susceptible, just a little of some offending exposure will make them ill. I'm not a young person, not a young adult, but I'd like to live much longer. Choose, and balance your pleasures.



Can't Leave
Jan 27, 2018
Sugar Land, TX
I agree with workman that the woman was responding to her brother's illness and demise. I don't think it was hypocrisy, just the usual self-contradiction. I just had bacon for breakfast. I'm wearing a t-shirt that says, "Keep Calm And Eat Bacon." But I like pigs. They're interesting critters -- smart, energetic, adaptive. I've stood near a sow who had built a nest in the woods and had her litter of piglets. I was careful and quiet, advised that she could be defensive. I appreciated the whole scene. I still like bacon. It's the human condition. Health-wise, many things are a balancing act. Some people overdo, pipes or bacon. Some are so susceptible, just a little of some offending exposure will make them ill. I'm not a young person, not a young adult, but I'd like to live much longer. Choose, and balance your pleasures.
If bacon kills me, then I win!



Jun 3, 2015
OK I got one. My sons friend says to me today, "You know smoking's bad for you?" I looked up at him from my chair and said,"So is food, but you don't hear or see me coming over to your parents house and making that obvious statement, now do you?" He responded, " You got a point." I told him that if I spoke to his dad about his son's protectionist leanings, his father probably wouldn't be too happy that his son was regurgitating mindless propaganda in another man's home. I told him we'd keep the discussion to ourselves. Something in the water here lately, huh.



Dec 29, 2016
if you stop eating, you will die for sure, rather quickly.
If you stop smoking...not so much :roll:
But seriously, unless invited to do so, it's not polite to comment on someone else's preferences.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Bug, I might've known the snarks would be you. }:)
I've had a few every now & then myself. Yoda, I'm with you. If they're not paying my bills (especially if I'm paying theirs) , personal pain or no, I don't need them as my self-appointed Messiah.



Jun 3, 2015
if you stop eating, you will die for sure, rather quickly.
If you stop smoking...not so much :roll:
But seriously, unless invited to do so, it's not polite to comment on someone else's preferences.
Roll your eyes until they unattach themselves from the sockets, but if you eat too much you die. Obesity.
Moderation was the hidden message, maybe the kid will recall it later in life.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2018
You should have asked her if she could spell hypocrite. People need to mind their own business.
I fully agree. My mother smoked cigarettes for 50 years and died of lung cancer. That never gave me a sense of needing to warn others. Some folks smoke all their lives and live into their 80's and 90's. Some don't. We can all make out own decisions on how to live our lives. I smoked cigarettes for 20 years and quit, not out of fear, but because of an embarrassing cough. After a number of years I began smoking cigars on occasion. Now I've switched to pipes and am enjoying it.
I try to follow what Jesus said about judging others: "whoever is without sin, cast the first stone."
Not that smoking is a sin, of course, but if someone I love is hurting themselves by some behavior, I would lovingly share my concerns. But to come down on some stranger? No way. They can do what they want.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2018
North Carolina
As my father once put it "opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink"
Most of my friends and family know I smoke a pipe. My immediate family doesn't mind because they know why I started, it reduces stress and calms me down. When you have anxiety disorder you take calm however you get it. I nice evening smoke is better than a handful of pills to me.
The rest of my family and friends either do not mind or know better than to say anything because I've earned the reputation of telling them to stuff it in the past.
It sounds to me like this lady is still dealing with the death of her brother and obviously blames smoking for it. Understandable but it was not her place to lecture you, a stranger and a customer, on the matter. You probably handled it best, I'd likely of started a war of words with her. But I'm stubborn like that haha



Mar 11, 2018
She may be fearful of her own death. We all die. Some of us accept that fact and some rail against it in myriad ways.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
+a few dozen, techie & seldom. I came to terms with my mortality eons ago & gave myself a wake (srsly) for my 30th b-day. Everything since then has been gravy!

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