Latakia, to me, is the equivalent of smoked paprika. The moment you add smoked paprika to a dish, whether in a large or a small quantity, the dish has to be formulated in such a fashion as to accommodate the paprika or it'll become unbalanced and nasty.
Orientals are already finicky. They're the smallest, densest, must flavor-filled of all tobacco leaves and it's very easy to overfill a blend with them. Latakia involves taking Orientals and preparing them like Dark Fired Kentucky, stretching an already-strong palette into the stratosphere.
For me, just as with smoked paprika, I have to be in the mood for Latakia. For one reason or another, that tends to happen in the spring and the fall. I think it has to do with the feel of the air quality/density, I'd say. I like Latakia on the same days that I might like to sit near a bonfire.