Probably...but it's never been more true than it is now.Agreed. But I am pretty sure every generation for the last few hundred years or more felt and said the same thing. (Society going to hell in a hand basket.)
Probably...but it's never been more true than it is now.Agreed. But I am pretty sure every generation for the last few hundred years or more felt and said the same thing. (Society going to hell in a hand basket.)
I guess some have never experienced the goodness of a butter bread sandwich, perhaps with some thinly sliced pieces of cucumber. I had to plant radishes every year so that my mother could have radish on butter bread sandwiches. There have been many a person through the years that lived on buttered bread, beans and potatoes and thought they were eating great.For God's sake, it is the energy food of the arctic expeditions. It is better and cheaper than the protein bars that children eat in gyms................
My grandfather had a farm.It taught me what it means to work hard and to thank God for the food we eat. To appreciate many simple things. It didn't even have electricity. I understand you. We were more innocent back then. We played by candlelight or a gas canister. There was something magical about those austere homes.I guess some have never experienced the goodness of a butter bread sandwich, perhaps with some thinly sliced pieces of cucumber. I had to plant radishes every year so that my mother could have radish on butter bread sandwiches. There have been many a person through the years that lived on buttered bread, beans and potatoes and thought they were eating great.
Some things never change.The police could be unabashedly corrupt and any crime could be bought off if you had the money and connections.
'Cept that for the present one the hand basket is the size of the Titanic, and going just as fast. And, just like in the Titanic, there ain't enough life boats because... it couldn't possibly sink, right?Agreed. But I am pretty sure every generation for the last few hundred years or more felt and said the same thing. (Society going to hell in a hand basket.)
When I was a kid on the farm many a year ago we had party lines still.The blessings of growing up feeling and being safe and what Tom says above are slightly offset by poor cars, rotten TV and having to read to get news! And you'd have to pick up a land line to talk to anyone. No texting or streaming. Zounds!!
I’ve always felt that people that dislike/are indifferent towards music are robots. Even space aliens listen to musicMusic well today I met kids through music all the time that have taste that spans decades. They don't think they're that weird, it's just how people who like music get their music now. With out the boundaries must of us had to deal with.
I can agree about the sports thing totally. I have to admit that even working as a janitor at a college sometimes cleaning the football building I can't consider it a sport as much as an industry, not to knock the kids they work their asses off and need talent to even get there and suck (if they do, the worst kid there is impressive). But there is so much that goes into making the team and it goes back to money so much of the time. That I can't see it as a competition between athletes. I look at the less popular sports and see sports. The Lacrosse team is going to do better or worse almost completely on the work of the coaches and the players. Not because they can afford to be up on the latest science and recruiting and etc..... I imagine the pro level makes what I've seen look sandlot.
I think that being blessed says a lot. More so then what a person has in stuff or even experience and simulation. I think a big thing is if life feels rewarding or if it feels like a senseless slog. I think one of the biggest things people are missing these days is the sense and maybe the reality of effort and work being genuinely rewarded. Even looking at jobs I've had. My last job I know I was doing something and effecting peoples lives, but I almost never felt that. The work and the result where so distant and detached from each other. My favorite description of the job was Sisyphean. Now I can look at the room I was just in and say it's clean and ready for people to use it. And I think it's harder to find a job like that these days (not impossible, but harder).
All in all I think every time has its goods it's bads and even those depend on you and how you're composed (for example some people just don't care about music). But no matter what it's probably a lot better to feel like you're lucky for when you where born then to feel like you landed in the wrong time.