I really like air conditioning, sports… phhht, I have no motivation to watch men do athletic things, and I’m grateful as Hell that I can find women’s beach vollyball on somewhere to watch.
I’m glad as hell that I don’t have to stand in soup lines, and can go to any city and find a good grocery store.
I’m totally ok with respecting people rights who are different from me… Hell, I wouldn’t want to live somewhere where people are all homogeneous.
Cars, styles, clothes… phhht… I don’t pay attention to that stuff anyways.
Music, some of the best stiff is being made right now…. Old people just don’t know how to find it.
Hell, just a tad over 100 years ago, if you wanted music, you had to make it yourself. 50 years ago we were limited to what a handful of record company execs wanted us to hear. Now, anyone can make it. Sure, there’s lots of crap, but that’s the side effect of so many people recording. SO MANY MORE musicians than ever before.
I see the good in right now. The bad… sure… if you are relying on the News to tell you what’s going on, instead of just looking around, sure, you’re going to focus on the bad. The BAD sells news. Screw ‘em. I’m not buying into any of their worldviews.
I’m perfectly happy in when I am alive.