I went to one of those really---I mean REALLY---nice restaurants last night. You know, the sort where the waitpersons look and act like ice carvings who sneer at everyone, your table is a rough cement slab, and the walls are recycled industrial boiler plate? Yeah, THAT fancy, right? And " , " our chef (he doesn't believe in labels, so a verbal pause is what he used as his name), said that we would feel the fourth year of his childhood in the second bite (not the first) of the appetizer---you know, when his dog ran away and he was sad all summer?---but I'm afraid I didn't. I just didn't. Maybe a little on the third bite, but by then who cares, right?
So, anyway, I mentioned how disappointed I was to our waithuman, and xer (xim?) simply IGNORED me! I know xer (xim?) heard what I said, though, because I overheard xim (xer?) talking to another waithuman about how some customers lack taste and awareness to such a degree that they can't detect " , "'s childhood in their quartered fava bean.
What arrogance!
Normally I'd let such a thing go, but that quartered fava bean wasn't cheap! It's a $90 app!
What do you think I should do now? I'm feeling ripped off. (And, to be totally honest, a bit afraid. I mean, it's possible that I failed " , " instead of the other way around... )
I know you PM guys truly appreciate and understand fine dining, so I promise to do whatever you say.
So, anyway, I mentioned how disappointed I was to our waithuman, and xer (xim?) simply IGNORED me! I know xer (xim?) heard what I said, though, because I overheard xim (xer?) talking to another waithuman about how some customers lack taste and awareness to such a degree that they can't detect " , "'s childhood in their quartered fava bean.
What arrogance!
Normally I'd let such a thing go, but that quartered fava bean wasn't cheap! It's a $90 app!
What do you think I should do now? I'm feeling ripped off. (And, to be totally honest, a bit afraid. I mean, it's possible that I failed " , " instead of the other way around... )
I know you PM guys truly appreciate and understand fine dining, so I promise to do whatever you say.