I just realized if Erinmore had their way Adam would have neglected Eve to smoke a pipe, she would have been banging pine cones or something and no human race. Wtf Erinmore? I left the beasties out but we all know it wouldn’t have been pinecones.
I just realized if Erinmore had their way Adam would have neglected Eve to smoke a pipe, she would have been banging pine cones or something and no human race. Wtf Erinmore? I left the beasties out but we all know it wouldn’t have been pinecones.
St. Bruno uses vinegar as a mold retardant, but it airs right out, as you say. Still a favorite.It lost it’s essence; there is still that Erinmore aroma in the tin, albeit significantly reduced, but there isn’t the same flavour, the same room note or the same smoking pleasure as a result.
St Bruno, to me now, has a really strong smell of something different when fresh - malt vinegar? Ketchup? I don’t know but, after a while out of the pouch, it still tastes and smells wonderful to me.
Condor has also been altered significantly and I am only just getting my head around the new incarnation.
It’s sad really but there isn’t much that can be done about it I suppose.
A friend just brought me back 250g’s of Ready Rubbed Condor duty free, which was very kind of him. Sadly, it smells ok but tastes like shoe polish mixed with Brasso; certainly not repeatable in a week, let alone a day!St. Bruno uses vinegar as a mold retardant, but it airs right out, as you say. Still a favorite.
Erinmore, I think they're using the wrong tobaccos and it's out of my rotation permanently.
Condor I'm afraid to even try. Nobody thinks "Boy, I could go for some Polish pipe tobacco right about now." I can't imagine it being even close.
That guy's on the other bus.
I purchase a tin of Erinmore from a B&M in Florida in the spring. I was nothing like how I remember Erinmore from the 1980s. I slowly managed to smoke my way through the tin by mixing the stuff with either Coniston Cut Plug or Gawith Broken Flake No:7. The new stuff is just genuinely wrong and doesn't even smell how I remember the stuff.