Any other "tobacco review prose" that made you chuckle?
I remember a review, I believe it was on Dunhill EMP, where the reviewer was comparing the blend with his experience in a one wild night in Saigon with some prostitue, back in the days he was serving in the Vietnam war. Here, let me see if I can find it .. Not nearly as funny as yours, but definitely an odd way of reviewing a tobacco blend.
This tobacco was good so good, that it reminded me of a time long ago....
Place, Vietnam. The Year is 1965. The Month, June. Day: The 7th; AKA Day 282 in 'Nam for me. June was the rainy season for 'Nam. I had been given some leave time from my base in Saigon and so I went to explore the City, like usual, my buddies didnt get leave, but I hoped to find some more GI's in some of the local bars. It was unseasonably dry that day. No rain. It was nice for once to not deal with dagum water in the shoes. I felt good, like it was going to be a swell day; I had every reason to think so. A week before, I had killed 10 Charlie in one night. I was satisfied. And now I had leave, who could ask for anything more?
I stopped in at a bar in the East Side of Saigon called Do Phing Pan Ngo, where all the action was. The bar was bustling with GI's. Different guys trying to sweep some exotic doll off of her feet and into the bed. I had similar plans. I walked to the bar and ordered myself a tall one, ready to relax and find a target. Then it happened. She walked in lookin like something out of a dream. So gorgeous, she was with her sexy Vietnamese hips and supple behind. I knew what had to be done. I ordered another beer, and started over to her. Just before I did, some officer cut in front of me. Dam. He had beat me to the punch. I was just a lowly grunt. There was nothing that I could do. The babe started shooting me looks as the Officer was talkin her up. I knew this would be my only chance to get laid until i was sent back into the jungles to fight charlie. Charlie would always be there. This doll wouldnt. I made my move. As I did it, I felt my balls grow 3 times larger. A grunt was about to steal a woman from Officer. I approached her; didnt say a word and just took her hand and left with her, leaving the officer to shove it. I led her off to a small hotel room where we made love with out even speaking. We made love many times before the morning of the next day came, i wish I could remember the number, but I lost track after 30. I would have set a company record.
As she is there sleeping I got up to watch the sun rise over beautiful Saigon, with a gentle mist sweeping the rooftops that morning and I smoked a fat stogie in honor of my recent accomplishments. It was the most incredible feeling in the world, despite my man tool nearly falling off. The beautiful woman was still asleep after having the night of her life. I dressed, and left the room, but not before leaving her my picture so that the kid would one day know who his or her father was. And with that I left, returning to base and eventually leaving 'Nam, never to return.
Early Morning Pipe felt like that special morning in Saigon.