You got sexy cousins too? I mean had..
One is a complete dead ringer for my mother and my grandmother, the others merely drop dead gorgeous. It’s sort of like there is only one Kim but the other Kardashian girls are pretty too.
My old grandmother used to tell a story, of how once upon a time in England, a fairy tale princess fell in love with a Scottish actor who danced with a lampshade on his head in the lime lights.
Her father was a Rothschild married to a Christian woman of noble birth.
She announced her intention to marry the actor, although it meant being disowned by her family.
So the wealthy Rothschild banker bought his daughter and new son in law a plantation in Virginia and stocked it with 500 servants.
They would have loved and lived happily ever after in Virginia, except war clouds came, so the Scottish actor freed all his slaves and with his seven sons fled to the brush so they’d not have to fight brother and against brother.
The mother now had a daughter as beautiful as she was, that she hid in the plantation ovens lest she be ravished by marauding bands of soldiers.
My mother would usually interject anout then, she wouldn’t stay hid very well in those ovens to run off with a Yankee cavalryman to Missouri.
And as a child I loved every part of that story except where the men ran off to hide in the brush. Seven young brothers and one old man really shouldn’t have been such cowards hiding out while Yankees stole their sister away.
My Grandmother heard the story from the girl who hid in the ovens, who was her Grandmother Hewitt, formerly a Courtney.
Both women, Ma Agee and her Princess Rothschild Grandma Hewitt are buried side by side at Gardner Cemetery with Pa Agee on the south, many years apart.
My four beautiful cousins all heard that same story, and my cousin Pam grew up to marry a man who is a Union Cavalryman civil war reeinactor (so she can wear the long dresses our Rothschild ancestor wore) and a few years ago they researched all this fairy tale and traveled to Virginia.
The ovens where the 16 year old girl hid are open to tours today by the proprietor of an antebellum mansion in West Virginia.
It more or less all checked out, except two things:
They freed 100 not 500 slaves.
And the father and the seven sons were all in Confederate service.
They kept the story in their family a sister had married a Yankee cavalryman and they never heard from her, ever again,,,
Until Pam showed up.