How Would You Repair This Stem? (an ISPD Tragedy)

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Dec 17, 2016

1- you take so much time to find threads to criticize

2- you take the time quote the person you want to critique

3- you spend time to state your position

4- you take time to articulate your position well with careful use of the language

5- you take time to spell check and edit things well

6- you take time to be very verbose

7- you take time to come back on and post long counter arguments
You work very hard to try to impress, so to say you don't need to prove anything to anyone is totally inconsistent with the proof of your written texts here.
But you can't figure out or can't take the time to post a before, in-progress, and final pic of one example of your work.
Impress us with pics. Or don't. And if you don't, then keep typing texts and see if that starts to eventually work (which if you're bright you'll figure out its going the opposite direction).



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I don't need to prove anything to anyone. But they wouldn't make a lot sense probably because most of my work is for things probably no one here would know anything about.
From the statements you have made, you absolutely need to to back them up with examples of your work.
You either have a very strange sense of communication/humor or you are simply one of many internet commandos. Right now, it's appears to be the latter.



Feb 13, 2015
It's not a big mystery. You have a bad personality and are very unlikeable. The fact that you haven't been bum-rushed out of this joint is a testament to the patience of the mods and the kind, amiable nature of the members here. As you can see, that ship has sailed.



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
PS -- It was $40, sterling band included.
Well, you've made my point George. I wouldn't touch that repair for anywhere near that amount. But then, I would not have cut the pipe short. But guys! Your dissonance is astounding! I am not the ass here, you are. I was the one that was attacked by your fanboy just for contributing ideas to a thread along with 30 others. I don't make the ad hominem attacks, he and YOU do. I reply with techniques and procedures, and you respond with name calling.
I DON'T FIX PIPES as a sideline or hobby. I've stated that many times now to all you non-readers. That does not mean I haven't fixed them or can't fix them or cannot critique comments from others as I am a skilled person with both wood and metal. The point of this forum is open discussion, not to acquiesce to a bunch of bullies just because you don't agree.
I actually considered posting some pictures of a custom dovetail saddle I machined from a solid block of 6061-T6, stainless and 360 brass a few years ago for an EQ platform, but I just looked at the thread from "Bob" and it takes a whole paragraph just to list all the steps, create an account, etc., then, many people say it didn't work anyway! I don't use any of those services where you upload pictures, etc.; the closest thing I use is Yahoo and you would have to be a member of the group to view them, at least with Yahoo, it is a very simple matter to upload the actual files there, not just a link, so sorry, and I haven't the time to create an account to load pictures to link to just so that a bunch of you will come back anyway with a new argument why my pictures prove nothing.
And the antique table I mentioned in a thread, I'd have to digitize the negatives then still do all of the above. Too much trouble. I have something I'm working on right now made of wood, but it isn't a pipe and probably won't be done till Spring. Maybe then I will post pictures of that if I ever have the time to go through all the steps. So sorry, no "before, during and after" pictures of anything so you will all just have to keep telling yourselves I am full of it. I'm not here to please you. I've already provided enough details on fixing certain pipe issues in recent posts that anyone knowing what I was talking about would clearly understand what I'm talking about, and obviously none of you did.
Back to work. My point here wasn't to brag about anything about myself or to claim to know everything, merely to point out that George is no master craftsman of pipes in my book and likely nothing else, some of what he says simply does not wash with me, he hides behind personal attacks rather than ever answer any of the questions I put to him, and so he shouldn't be throwing rocks at others. He starts it. He only gets away with it because he fixes some of your pipes for you here, and if he is willing to go through all of the time and trouble as he has obviously spent to fix some of your issued pipes for a mere $40 bucks, he must love to do the work and you better hang onto him for dear life.



Feb 13, 2015
Not sure where we're losing you on the "you're an overbearing pain in the ass to be around" part. You must be like the Professor on Gilligan's Island. You can make a radio out of coconuts, but you can't seem to fix a hole in the fucking boat.



Dec 17, 2016
Nothing to prove, eh?

Then try this: wait for more responses and TRY to not respond back.
If you respond back, you proved my point.

If you don't respond back, I was right.
Go smoke that logic.
Plus, you need to get back to studying for your finals, quit wasting your time here.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
custom dovetail saddle I machined from a solid block of 6061-T6, stainless and 360 brass a few years ago for an EQ platform
I'm confident that anyone who can do this, can post a simple picture in a forum.

I'm crying "bullshit" on all of these claims.
I'd love to add some further comments, but I'm going back to the garage to continue the restoration of my 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa. It was black, but I just re-sprayed it in the correct red, in my garage, with paint from my own creation. Pictures are too difficult to upload, take my word for it, it's very nice.



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
I just came back because I remembered I posted a few pipe pictures somewhere here when I first joined. After much searching, I actually found where "my album" is actually hidden. What a poorly laid out web-space! There ought to be a link to directions on using the various features here. All of a member's account related material should all be accessible from one location, such as the obvious "my account" link at the top of the browser like most web spaces. Instead, all you can do is log out from there. If you want to view PM, you have to click a link at the far right on the Forum home page. Forget how long it took to finally find that. Even posting here is primitive in a little box, conducive to just short quips.
AT ANY RATE, I uploaded four pictures I have on hand you can look at if you want. They are in My Album. I assume you know how to find that. Some of my pipes too. Two are file photos of a custom EQ saddle I mentioned, another is of a special dovetail rail I made for a customer's 9-inch catadioptric when I ran my business, and the other is of a very special furniture-grade transport case I made for a rare optical tube assembly. Of course, it gives no hint at the unusual interior. I'll leave it up to you to ask the questions. Gotta go.



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
Here is even a link to my album if that works!



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Tmb, you obviously spend too much time with your cranium juxtaposed into the interstitial space between the femur bones and intersecting with the sphincter.



Jun 1, 2013
I have to say, I do not read TMB's posts as they are long winded and not really interesting. That being said, I love reading other members responses to him. Please Mr TMB, keep doing what you're doing :twisted:



Mar 7, 2013
I reply with techniques and procedures, and you respond with name calling.
No, you absolutely do NOT reply with anything remotely resembling "techniques and procedures" that are useful or practical to pipe repair in any way.
Period. Exclamation point.
You absolutely do NOT reply with anything remotely resembling "techniques and procedures" that are useful or practical to pipe repair in any way.
In fact, your recommendations are so absurdly impractical and unworkable that I'm 100% certain that you've never set foot in a pipe repair shop in your life, never mind worked in one. They are the pipe repair equivalent of telling someone whose car springs are sagging that the solution is to put airplane wings on his car to provide lift while he's driving down the road.
As for your claimed expertise in other areas, the last time I checked briar and vulcanite don't give the slightest shit how many PhD's or certifications the person working with them has. Or what he ate for lunch, or what kind of car he drives, for that matter. A person can either achieve the desired result or he can't. End of story.
PS -- CNC milling machines cannot be programmed to do repair work (though they have been used to make whole pipes). Pipe repair is 100% a human eyes and human hands activity. There is zero overlap.
Also, still waitin' on those pipe repair pics. :lol:



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
If that truly is your machine work, then I am impressed.
Thank you Al, it most certainly is. None of these pictures have anything to do with pipes, but I posted them since they were some things that I HAVE well-documented in pictures for business reasons and can show all stages of making.
I have uploaded a few additional pictures of that saddle if you want to see them, all of the items shown are one of a kind with design features not seen anywhere else (I like innovative ideas). Basically, the saddle is meant to interface an astronomical telescope to a particular computer driven alt-azimuth mount and must be orthogonal in every way to a very high degree otherwise it would affect the accuracy of the pointing. What is unique about it is that other than for the three obvious knobs (brass), the entire thing is machined out of one solid block as one piece and clamps on the dovetail without any separate parts. It is the hardest thing I've ever made.



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
I have to say, I do not read TMB's posts as they are long winded and not really interesting. That being said, I love reading other members responses to him.
Then I guess you never read any of my short comments, didn't read my book review, and please do not read my topic on aging tobaccos. What you say Neil might be among the funniest things I've ever read, someone at once admitting they neither have the attention span to focus beyond a few puerile comments and that you are more interested in the smarmy comments of others than to actually read anything said by the OP to decide for yourself the veracity of their accusations! You've kicked yourself both in the face and the ass in one sentence.



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
I'm 100% certain that you've never set foot in a pipe repair shop in your life, never mind worked in one.
For once, you are 100% right, George, but I never said I did nor need to. All it takes is an understanding of wood and material science and a little bit of basic physics to fix anything with a pipe. It is still just a piece of wood. Pipe repair is child's play compared to machining some of the things I've shown where the work must be within 1/1000th inch and a single mistake usually ruins the whole job. If I ever have another significant pipe fix come my way, I WILL make a point of documenting every bit of it.
CNC milling machines cannot be programmed to do repair work
Right again in most cases. I could add CNC to some of my equipment, by I do everything old school, by hand, working off of pencil and paper mechanical drawings I make. And I don't have any significant before/after pipe pictures because why would I? They would be past tense and I've never seen any point in taking them. But I do have one mod planned for a pipe of my own next year, an enhancement of the rustication, and I will make a point of photo-documenting it for you!
As to the rest of this thread, time to move on, as usual, people have ganged up to take the REAL topic of my original post and change it away from what it was really about to an ad hominem attack on the person making it. Protects you! Very Alinsky-esk of you all, but it never fools me. As to my never saying anything about techniques and procedures, I guess you didn't read where I gave step by step specific instructions on how to auto-align the pipe so that you could redrill the stem and reface it perfectly without any gray hairs. More than I've ever seen you write! :puffpipe:

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