Thanks for the sage advice, gentlemen. I will bookmark this and summon it everytime I boot up the computer. Now about the trip itself: a freighter is like a huge flat-bottomed bathtub--remember the Edmund Fitzgerald? But if you can find a way to book voyage on the ship (you just don't buy a ticket, for reasons too complicated to go into here) you live like the crew does. Ordinary meals in the mess with the crew or with the captain, you dress anyway you feel, there aren't any shops or tourist traps, and so forth. There's a TV in your room, the bed is probably more like a bunk. There are only about 10 passengers and no chorus girls. You can spend your time reading, writing (I'm going to take a journal and maybe extract a good essay out of this), or whatever you want to do, maybe visit the bridge. And you can SMOKE ANYWHERE YOU WANT!
I'm trying to do this trip to celebrate my onrushing birthday, my 60th or my 15th, depending on which birthday I wish to celebrate--I have two of them this year.A regular yearly birthday like the rest of you mortals, and my leap year birthday, when I was the first child born in the city shortly after midnight on February 29, 1956.
I'll let you know how the arrangements for the cruise work out as they happen.. Thanks for the advice, guys.