I make and smoke a lot of ropes, and I use a cigar cutter also. But, I lay the cutter on a table or flat surface, and then put the rope in it till it touches the table below, then snip. This keeps my coins uniform and thin. I can slice up a whole 4 oz rope in no time this way.
I will cut all of my rope up when I pop the jar it's in, and then just smash them all back into the jar. I'm not particular about keeping it in coin form, usually just wadding them up and stuffing them into the chamber.
I figure that I have twisted the tobacco for aging and melding of flavors. Then, I prepare the whole rope just to make it easier to smoke.
But, I can also understand why someone would prefer to be more careful loading the coins into the pipe.
Great video!! And, it's always great to put a voice to a face. You are less terrifying that way, ha ha.