Changing the polarization of Protons and electrons effectively creates anti-matter...
Can you imagine the potential profit in the controlled creation of anti-matter?, and I know just the man to do it! Steve Jobs. Yeah, I know he's dead, but the dead rise by anti-matter. The only unfortunate thing is that those so arisen tend to eat you. So be it. So stick Jobs and a dozen physicists in a big locked room with redundant mainframes and a lot of scratchpads, and don't let them out until they produce. Then shoot Jobs in the head along with any of the scientists he turned. In any case a good way to keep Jobs from running away with the loot. He was very good at that.
I say barbarians is not strong enough language, I would call people who microwave their tobacco blasphemers. Taking a natural product and introducing dark matter to it
has to be a unhealthy endeavor. I mean seriously who wants to smoke dark matter, it just has to make you impotent, doesn't it??????
I think cigraster is on to something here. There are a lot of wives out there who after decades of marriage are looking for a way to permanently put their husbands out to pasture. You could say they are blasphemers. OK, so after they make their husbands impotent by carefully adulterating his blends with dark matter, which they produced by subtle manipulation of microwave energy, they relentlessly heckle their now impotent husbands until they run off crazy into the night. But we who have observed all of this bring the appropriate biblical cure: stone the wives.