How often do you smoke a pipe?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Because I don't have to be outside in 10 degree weather? If I did, I would smoke outside in the cold...a lot. Though I do still have my fags no matter how cold it gets -- those don't take NEARLY as long heh heh.
If I could smoke in the house everything would be so much better --- I was once able to, but then one day my mum said no more several years back, then the dorms said no, then I moved back in with my mum because I hated the dorms but can't afford my own place -- then she moved in with her mother-in-law who has a rather large house and let me move in as well (because I still hate the dorms and am not willing to be as broke as it takes to have my own place) and once again. .. no smoking in the house.
What kills me is everyone I have ever lived with, even my roommate in the dorms, smoked. The only time it made sense to be told no smoking in the house was my father, who smoked as well -- but he did smoke in the house I just wasn't supposed to smoke at all heh heh. (I was like 12 at the time if I recall? been a -long- time since I've seen my father)



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
To Co11apse:

I smoke 4 to 5 bowls a day and usually rotate two pipes sometimes three during the day. I never smoke two bowls in a row in the same pipe and I rack my smoked pipes for cleaning when there are about 10 that have been used.
To other men: I prefer large bowls and I smoke the entire bowl slowly. Do you all smoke your entire bowl or do you put it down midway and relight the same bowl at a later time in the day?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 11, 2011
Work week - just one in the evening after dinner (sometimes 2 if I'm up late)
Weekends - Usually 2 - 4.
With regards to outdoor smoking, the wife and 2 daughters simply won't allow it in the house (despite my efforts to explain what I've learned about room notes...LOL).
We have a screened in back porch off the kitchen where I'm allowed to enjoy them; and being in Chicago that means it is still cold, but at least I have a comfy couch! This time off year especially I'd like nothing more than to smoke indoors by a crackling fire, in a comfy chair, with a book and my dog. However that would require swapping out the aforementioned wife and 2 daughters. I'm simply not willing to do that!



Can't Leave
Dec 25, 2010
i keep around 5 in easy reach and switch around all day with many bowls a day.

trying to get my share before its outlawed.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 19, 2011
Sutton, Surrey
Only just started but am getting in about 1 bowl every couple of days. Like a lot of people here though that varies depending on the weather.
The girlfriend is not too happy about the smell even though she smokes roll-ups. So i've ordered some Sweet Vanilla Honeydew in a hope to win her over in the room note department :wink:



Apr 23, 2009
A couple of weeks ago I would of responded with "1-5 times a week". I re-discovered my short cob pipe, we're looking at 5-6 times daily. Full sized bowl I'll go with 3-5 times weekly. Good way to put the day to rest.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2011
When I first responded to this thread, I guessed 5 or 6 bowls a day.

As it turns out, that's right on the mark; most days it's 2 in the morning, 1 or 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening.

And, yes, I smoke indoors.

My wife and I are empty-nesters and have a fairly large house, so I'm free to smoke in my den, living room and basement where my workshop is, just not in the bedroom or the kitchen. I'm a semi-retired pensioner so I only work part-time, about 20 to 25 hours most weeks.

My wife's a cig smoker who doesn't care for pipe smoke but she'll tolerate PA and CH. She objects to aromatics, heavy english blends and (for some reason) to Half & Half (one of my favorites). When I smoke any of those, it's in the basement or den.

Fortunately, PA remains my go-to baccy with CH firmly entrenched in 2nd place.

Actually, she is now so accustomed to the subtle room notes of PA and CH I can make frequent trips to the kitchen with a "live" bowl and she doesn't even notice.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 15, 2011
Liverpool, UK
I smoke between 4 and 8 bowls a day depending on whether I am in work or university. Also depends on the shifts I am working.
I rotate my pipes and if I am smoking when I am out I bring two pipes but only one type of tobacco.
In answer to the cold weather I smoke indoors as I have an understanding other half!



Jan 8, 2011
I am a 2-3 times a weeker.
To those that smoke multiples in one day:

Do you smoke the same blend all day? Swith with each bowl? Different pipe, different blend?



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 21, 2010
I've never smoked one blend all day but I have smoked two blends (1792 and P.A.), three times in a row in the same pipe, on two different occasions, with no problems. Note that I was using a Falcon pipe.
I would never attempted more than two bowls in a row with a traditional briar but I do often go back-to-back with the same briar & blend on the weekends.
I've never smoked a pipe twice in a row with different blends and doubt I every will.



Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2011
I used to smoke maybe twice a month. Now I do it about 1-3 times a week. Although I will add that everytime I come to this website when I am not at work I get the urge to smoke a bowl.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I currently have 6 pipes on my little table besides my chair in my smokin' hole. I'll swap them up when I feel they need a rest. Right now I have a Caminetto, 2 churchwardens, two pokers, my TRG out and ready to pack. Currently smoking the Salisbury Poker.

Some days I'll smoke 6-8 bowls while reading posts. And, days like I've had over the last few... 2-3. It all depends. I tend to smoke more at night than during the day, but that I think is natural because of the relaxation level.
I will often smoke the same pipe all day, with an interruption of another pipe just for giggles.

Here's my Smokin' Hole for those newer guys who haven't seen it:




Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2010
Nice setup, Lawrence.
What's that big fan thing on the right?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 3, 2010
Varies, but I would say I average 4-5 pipes a day. I don't have a normal rotation. Usually will smoke the same pipe at least twice, maybe 3 times. I will then switch according to what tobak I want to smoke next. Larger bowl for English and smaller diameter for virginia or virg./Per. Small capacity bowl if I am smoking something really kick ass like Irish Flake.



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
Four sometimes five bowls usually rotating two pipes each day. I always switch blends from bowl to bowl but I stick with English/Balkans so my pipes are all interchangeable. I've tried VA's but never favored them. I'm finishing a tin of OGS and probably will not replace it. I've also had a tin of Marlin Flake and also never a second. I think there are certain things that appeal to a man and he tends to stick with it. Whether clothing, pipes, tobacco, cars, trucks or guns. We like what feels right in our hands,in our mouths over our skin and what propels our ass....and we don't f--k with what ain't broke. I guess it boils down to being creatures of habit. I do experiment, but, usually come back to the old familiar favorites.



Jun 2, 2010
I smoke 1 to 2 bowls a day. I usually never smoke the same pipe 2ce in the same day. I tend to smoke a pipe no more than 2 times a week. I like to let my pipes rest for at least a few days before smoking again.

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