How Often Do You Smoke a Pipe?

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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Yeah, 6 month-long smokes on average for king size bowls. Might explain my overall lightheadedness now that I think of it...
I think it has more to do with you following old habits from your bad old days. I.E. the fact you seal the bunker and fill it with smoke. Or at least I hope so otherwise the thing that makes your skin blue is not a good thing.
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Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I think it has more to do with you following old habits from your bad old days. I.E. the fact you seal the bunker and fill it with smoke. Or at least I hope so otherwise the thing that makes your skin blue is not a good thing.
Hey, what can I say? I'm a trend-setter. Bunker hot-boxing may be regarded as a contemptible act of sociopathy now (perhaps illegal in some states, but those are probably the ones that prohibit online ordering anyway, so what's one more draconian restriction, right?), but in a short time, mark my words, it will become an historical curiosity discussed in coffee klatches and pipe club meetings alike.

Then the credits will roll, revealing it was merely a Twilight Zone episode all along. 🤷‍♂️

p.s. the blue skin is an evolutionary adaptation which allows me to blend in with my gigantic wall of Nightcap tins. And did I mention I was a trend-setter? 😇
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 5, 2021
Once per day, sometimes every other day. Depends on my mood. Sometimes I skip a month. Sometimes every day for several months. Rarely 2 bowls per day, as for me, a bowl lasts about an hour unless it's an XL or House Pipe which is about 2 hours per bowl. A few of my pipes are 45 minutes in "size".
I mostly have bent apples and a few churchwardens and a few other variants, maybe 2 dozen in total. Just bought a Savinelli Tortuga 614. I usually set them the day prior with a light coating of honey & whiskey.
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Feb 16, 2020
Cascadia, U.S.
As often or infrequently as I wish. Sometimes I'll smoke 3 or 4 bowls in a day, and sometimes I'll go weeks without touching tobacco at all before coming back to it when the whim strikes me.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 31, 2024
We should just smoke our pipes when we want or need. No judgement. Just do what You want. As long as You enjoy. I can do 6 or 7 bowls a day, but to be honest I enjoy 3 or 4 bowls much more
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Apr 15, 2024
Fort Worth, TX
Almost always once a day depending on weather. I live in North Texas, so if it's too hot and muggy outside, that's a hard pass. I usually don't get to smoke more than once every couple of weeks in deep summer.


Jan 31, 2024
Waco, Texas
I am an occasional pipe smoker as I'm limited by time (work full-time, two children) and a place (I can't smoke anywhere indoors, I have no shed). I normally will smoke in the summer in the garden or on a walk on our local common (Wimbledon) or when we go camping. I wish I had more opportunity but until I move somewhere I own or have a relaxing outbuilding to hang out in, I have to be content with what I have!

So just out of nosey interest how often do you get to smoke?

A: Daily
B: Weekly
C: Monthly
D: Occasionally
Daily. Hopefully you’ll find some place you can enjoy your pipe on a more regular basis.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
I would have to say occasionally, myself. I share the OPs constraints on time and location. Although I own my home, I don't smoke in the house, nor do I smoke in the car. Lose too much in value! Do you know, it is now California State Law that you have to disclose if you have smoked in the house in the last three years to potential new buyers... CRAZY! Well, that's just one of many reasons to run screaming from this crazy State to a slightly less crazy State of Colorado!

Anyway, I don't like doing quick smokes... if I am going to smoke, I want to spend a good amount of time doing it slowly and enjoying it! I like to make sure I have at least 45-60 min to enjoy my smoke.
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Might Stick Around
Apr 18, 2024
I bought my first pipe about 1968 or 69 when there was a guy who smoked a pipe with Borkum Riff in the study hall of the student union at the University of Nebraska, and it just smelled so good... NO WAY NO MORE.
In 1995 my wife gifted me my first pipe, a Peterson Barrel, and a packet of Borkum Riff Original with the hope that I would stop smoking cigarettes. Well, three years after that I stopped smoking completely only to pick up on cigars and pipes smoking around 5 years ago. Till today with all the different tobaccos I cellar, I still sport a jar filled with Borkum Riff Original tobacco because it just smells so good.
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