I have a fairly wide range of blends I enjoy, so my rotation tends to evolve over time. Many blends that I enjoy enough to re-order, I don't because I am going on to yet other good blends. If I select thoughtfully, I usually like the new ones too. I smoke moderately, so it takes a long time to get through the approximately twenty opened tins and jars, plus samples, on hand. So my rotation usually lasts two or three months, before something is used up and something else is added as a replacement. There's plenty I would re-order, just not the need with so much appealing leaf on hand. For example, I have some McC's Dark Star and some El Nino on hand unopened, and both should be getting really good. Several other McC's and Dunhill blends at the ready, but unopened. So I can have a PAD attack right at home.