How Many Open Tins is Too Many?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
It really depends on you. There's not many hard and fast rules here. I'd recommend jarring the open tins and having as many open as you'd like. At 2-4 smokes a day with a few open, I would personally be worried about the tobacco drying further than I like it before I could smoke it all. But again, that's me personally. It took a couple of dried out tins for me to learn how much was too much.

When I was in your shoes, learning technique as well as what I like (more on that in a bit), I tried to keep it to 5 tins/jars in my rotation at a time. I had an English, vaper, codger, burley, and aromatic open in the rotation. Over time they changed, of course. Once I got the hang of smoking, I'd bump up one of those. Let me try all the codgers and matches! There's a million English blends, gotta try them all! I wouldn't recommend that route, I wouldn't do it like that again if I had to do it over.

All that to say you'll find your way. I wouldn't recommend going extreme in either direction right now. But otherwise, find your path.
Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
I used to idealize having only 3-5 open blends at any time. Just one English/Balkan, one Virginia blend, one burley, and maybe a wildcard or two, that I would finish up before opening anything new. But as my technique and ability to taste tobacco improved, I started to regret finishing a couple of blends that I could no longer go back to. Some blends that I knew were wonderful, and would like to experience again, and other blends that initially disappointed me, but would like to give another chance.

So my new model is the "tobacco library." I bought a bunch of jars and started opening more tins. Now if I'm not thrilled with a particular blend or just want a change of pace, I don't pressure myself to finish it, I just move that jar to the basement and smoke what does move me.


Sep 18, 2021
Western North Carolina
Do you want to find a core rotation and stock up? Do you want to try most/all of the manufacturers? Do you want to try a lot of different blends?

What would make you nuttier, option 1 or Option 2:
Option 1: Wanting to try a lot of different blends but only wanting to have a few tins open? It will be years and years before you get around to sampling everything you’re interested in.

Option 2: Wanting to try a lot of different blends and opening then jarring a lot of different blends. In a couple years you could end up with 100 jars you’ve sampled from.

I started out with option 1 and quickly realized I wasn’t trying all the blends I wanted to try in a timely manner.

Or maybe you find a few you like right away and just stick with those. At the moment I am too curious for that but I could end up smoking a handful of favorites with the occasional new blend to try.
I have only been smoking a pipe for three years and consider myself a new pipe smoker. I also reserve the right to change my perspectives at any moment!

Enjoy the process!
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