How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 10, 2023
I quit the cigs in September. I was smoking 1.5 to 2 packs a day. Now, I smoke about 6 to 10 bowls a day. The size of those bowls vary. Some times more some times less depending on free time. Find a tobacco that is satisfying to you nic wise and go for it. Five Brothers is great for quick nic hits in smaller bowls. It's also pretty tasty stuff! Let me know if I can help at all!
Thank you! It will be a journey but if I can quit cigarettes inside my home and just smoke occasionally outside cigarettes I achieved my first goal!


Can't Leave
Feb 15, 2022
Formerly I would have one bowl a day during the nicer months, but rarely smoked in the winter. Unfortunately I've had to curtail my bowls to about one per week due to some health concerns. But I do look forward to and very much appreciate the one per week I am limiting myself to.
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Zeno Marx

Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2022
2 or so a week. even when I managed a tobacco shop, 1 per day, and on rare occasion, 2-3 in a day. My body doesn't do well with more than that. Never has. I have some kind of internal timer too, because if I smoke a bowl, I won't even think about it again for 24 hours.
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David D. Davidson

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 19, 2023
Normally 0.5-2 per day, but it’s been down to one a week or so the last two months. Got a new puppy and I rarely find the time anymore between the various things I’m taking care of.

More a time management issue than anything, but I’m looking forward until the boy is a little older and can be trusted indoors unsupervised and uncrated! I will say though, the less often I smoke, the more I enjoy the experience. These weekly indulgences are really wonderful
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K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
Once or twice a day. It's very rare for me to smoke three or more times in a single day, and there are also some days I don't smoke at all. I like to draw from my pipe with few interruptions as possible, so usually twice is my max. I also never want to smoke so much I feel I need to smoke. I want my vice to be a choice, not an affliction. (To be clear, I am speaking solely for myself, and I mean no disrespect to others.)
Oct 3, 2021
Southeastern PA
I'm all over the place. All depends on my mood. Some days I'll smoke 3-4 bowls, but then other days, only 1. Then I also go through periods where I'll smoke 1-2 bowls/day for a week but then I won't smoke at all for 1-2 weeks. Right now I haven't smoked since Christmas morning and I haven't had the desire to fire up a bowl since.
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