I need to update my master spreadsheet, since the last several month's TADs need to be inputted. The Row count is 1555, and I'm guessing there are a few dozen new blends in scattered boxes that need to be cataloged. However, of these are several hundred that register zeroes, meaning that they haven't been sampled yet. On the other hand, there are a couple of hundred strays that I have sampled at club meetings and shows that did not earn separate rows in the file. Now, at the rate of several bowls a day, there is no way that I'm even close to the sheer poundage consumed by the inestimable Jinx, but I do like my variety as I attempt to demote a few dozen Cellar dwellers in my goal to reduce my stash to just the Top300. In the course of a month, I pretty much puff 60 to 80 separate blends out of the 90 or so in the period. Until I get around to popping the several hundred unpuffed blends, I would guess I've sampled 1200 separate blends. It's too bad I never went to a true database, or I would have a firm number. I'm too busy ffishing right now to take the time to manually churn through the spreadsheets to figure out the exact answer.