I reload unburnt tobacco into the middle of the bowl of my next smoke. Most latakia blends suit each other very well. I never waste any tobacco. A layered smoke like an ice cream parfait is delicious.
I try to burn every last bit of tobacco in the bowl. I think this insures against a pipe going "sour" because the moisture is evaporated instead of soaking into the heel of the pipe.
A few charred black pieces (not totally burned) is OK, but I try never to find any brown, unsinged pieces.
When relighting near the bottom, run the spoon of the pipe nail down the inside wall OPPOSITE the draft hole. The relight will pull the fire across the bottom and light any unburned tobac.
When relighting near the bottom, run the spoon of the pipe nail down the inside wall OPPOSITE the draft hole. The relight will pull the fire across the bottom and light any unburned tobac.
I'm not that versed with meers to make an opinion there, but the bottom of the tobac is not supposed to taste as good as the top. If you want to throw a cigar away after it's only half finished, that's fine too, but if the pipe tobac is good, I make an effort to smoke it all, even if the last is somewhat rank. I think it's better for the pipe.
"When relighting near the bottom, run the spoon of the pipe nail down the inside wall OPPOSITE the draft hole. The relight will pull the fire across the bottom and light any unburned tobac"
Thanks for that tip, Just used it! )
Maybe it's just me, but I find it difficult to smoke my pipes until all the tobacco is burnt. At the end of my smoke there is always a small amount of tobacco left behind. If I try to smoke it, I light up, draw and then have to light up again and again. It also seems that the last bit of tobacco doesn't taste the same, so I just dump it.