How Long Have You Been Smoking a Pipe? And Who Cares?

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I see lots of posts wherein we learn how long members have been smoking. Does it matter?
Is wisdom gained merely by decades of lighting a pipe?
To a slight extent, I’d say yes, but do you, dear reader, bestow auto genius on any and everyone who prefaces a post with “In my xx decades of smoking…”?
In my case I’d have to say yes. Everything I contribute is an absolute gem.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Of course it matters how long someone has been smoking. For one thing they're more likely to have tried certain blends. They're more likely to have experienced a wider variety of issues that can come up. And more importantly then all of that it's just kind of interesting.
Does it mean their advice is any good. No it certainly doesn't mean that. Does it mean they deserve a medal? Nope it doesn't. Can it be useful to know because it helps make the argument that pipe smoking is healthier then cigarette smoking, I think it can.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I'm very wisdomy. Smoking a pipe just adds to my wisdomosity and mysticism. I'm happy to share my deep thoughts and do so often here to the great benefit of all. One day I'll share my sage and basil insights into the deeper mysteries of the universe but not yet. I have more to share about philosophy and modern plumbing before then.
A guy gets a flush toilet and it goes right to his head. You think you're better then us just cause you don't have to use the privy. ;)
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Epip Oc'Cabot

Can't Leave
Oct 11, 2019
I tend to think that historical context matters.... so, I enjoy hearing and reading of the “earlier” times of pipe smoking, and reminiscing about what it has been like in my own 40+ some odd years indulging..... and remembering what it was like as a kid before I began. With a relatively few number of members who are older than me.... I tend to cherish the stories of times that they speak of that occurred before I remember pipe smoking quite a bit. And, historical works by folks no longer here who talk about pipe smoking are also much to my liking as well.

As for OPINIONS on pipes and pipe tobaccos? It is too wholly subjective to IMO base much on the factor of length smoking a pipe..... everyone ends up liking and doing what they personally like best.... whether new to pipe smoking or a long term pipe smoker. I find opinions of such things interesting, but newbies and old timer’s opinions on the subjective aspects are of equal weight to me.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2020
I have been smoking a pipe for 5 years. I used it to quit cigarettes. It worked. However now I’m addicted pipe smoking. I smoke way to much, 15 to 25 bowls a day. I smoke pretty much all day and all night. The only time I’m not is when I’m eating. I only smoke really smoke 2 brands of tobacco, HH Arcadian and Haddos. I own 30+ pipes, but smoke only 3. I don’t like English blends or straight Virginia’s but I do own some and occasionally try to see if my taste buds have changed, no luck yet. I don’t chase the latest tobacco fades, and am richer for it. Their are many on here whom opinions and information I value, others not so much. The longer I have been smoking a pipe I can say i have changed my mind on a few things. I now think pipe cake is important, I don’t ever pack my pipe to the top, and I’m less concerned with pipe shape and more about the stem and button being completely comfortable.


Feb 1, 2010
A guy gets a flush toilet and it goes right to his head. You think you're better then us just cause you don't have to use the privy.

Not just any toilet, like Al, I got a Ferguson!

I really hate to hear that, and hope it's not really true for you.

Best wishes.

It's not. She really just hates things that might kill me like pipe smoking, motorcycles
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Might Stick Around
Jan 18, 2019
40 years, since I was Freshman at the University of Texas. The thing is, for maybe 25 of those years, I sort of made it up as I went; maybe a friendly tobacconist would answer my questions. Because of my job, and my family, I visited a lot of brick and mortar stores all over the country. Grants in SFO, Crofts in Houston, Vesz in Toronto (OK, he's a carver) Peretti's and Ehrich's in Boston, Jost in St Louis, Drucquers in Oakland (Berkley too) , Edward's in Dallas- I haunted these places, but most of them are gone now. But I always relied on these guys to help me out-how do you properly pack a pipe, how do you clean it, what's a good tobacco, etc. As they fade away, this forum, and others, were tremendously helpful to me, and I am appreciative of the collected wisdom and experience. So, to answer your question, I care how long someone has been smoking a pipe, and I value the shared knowledge.


Oct 17, 2017
San Antonio, TX
We are all merely experts on our own opinions. The one thing that stands firmly to me is that no man should tell a cowboy how to ride his horse. Damn their eyes if they try.
However, anyone may say that a certain type of horse is ugly or stupid. Thusly everyone is allowed an opinion, but not the right to tell someone that their technique is wrong…. Unless a cowboy asks, “what os wrong with the way I’m riding?” Then we may tell them that they have to set upright with a good center of balance, put their feet here and here, and how to use the reigns. Otherwise, STFU.
But, an opinion is very different from instructions. Everyone is allowed an opinion on whatever they want.
So, you’re into horses??!!
Mar 29, 2016
Smoking a pipe for more than thirty years and honestly I don't think too much about it but I give smoking tips to beginners who ask or not :). I just want that beginner not to get discouraged as we all know how frustrating pipe smoking can be sometimes when the stars misalign.