How Long Have You Been Smoking a Pipe? And Who Cares?

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Feb 21, 2013
Take it for what it's worth ... much or little. One might think that cumulative experience would bring with it some knowledge, but we all know people who have been promoted beyond their competence and are just repeating what they've been told. I think I've bragged about the age of some of my pipes but not much about my years of pipe smoking. Some of us old codgers have, at least, some historical memory, and may draw upon our elders' historical memory and lore. ... and 'scoggin, what is GM/A school? Is that a military A school? I've been through basic electricity/electronics, radioman A school, and Morse Code C school, though I think I passed that third one by social promotion, just because I wouldn't quit trying. All this happened in San Diego during the Trojan War.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 9, 2017
Kentucky, USA
I still don't have answer even after thinking about it. Let us be frank here. Who on the lords earth would want to get smoking tips or guidance from me? The only other person I know who is similar is @weezell. Every blend I like is usually unpleasant and designed for max nicotine delivery. My taste in pipe styles is at best questionable. Occasionally I can add something to a conversation if it involves something ancient and circa 1890/1900 but beyond that I am great believer that every pipe smoker finds his own pathway to inner smoking enlightenment!
Because of this self-deprecating answer, you are exactly the kind of person I would take advice from. Sorta like Batman, but in reverse: condorlover1 - Not the guidance you need, but the guidance you deserve. ?


Aug 30, 2011
Took up the pipe in 1973 while at GM/A school on Governor's Island in New York Harbor.
Take it for what it's worth ... much or little. One might think that cumulative experience would bring with it some knowledge, but we all know people who have been promoted beyond their competence and are just repeating what they've been told. I think I've bragged about the age of some of my pipes but not much about my years of pipe smoking. Some of us old codgers have, at least, some historical memory, and may draw upon our elders' historical memory and lore. ... and 'scoggin, what is GM/A school? Is that a military A school? I've been through basic electricity/electronics, radioman A school, and Morse Code C school, though I think I passed that third one by social promotion, just because I wouldn't quit trying. All this happened in San Diego during the Trojan War.
For what it’s worth, I always knew you two were old boys simply by the rational tone of your posts. You didn’t need to announce your time in grade.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I just started smoking last week, and I don’t think it matters a ants fart whether someone has smoked a day or 50 years as far as opinions are concerned. If they hate a pipe brand or type or tobacco. Everyone is allowed an opinion.

What is the difference whether someone has just started and hates…. Italian pipes (or whatever) or if someone who has smoked 50 years and hates them?


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
I just started smoking last week, and I don’t think it matters a ants fart whether someone has smoked a day or 50 years as far as opinions are concerned.
Well, you know, if trying to market PipesMag forum as THE source of pipe smoking wisdom, we need to know how long each member has been smoking a pipe. We can then, you know, add it all up and boast of hundreds, it not millennia of combined pipe smoking opin— er, I mean knowledge. Yes, knowledge.

Cult of the expert, my man!!


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Well, you know, if trying to market PipesMag forum as THE source of pipe smoking wisdom, we need to know how long each member has been smoking a pipe. We can then, you know, add it all up and boast of hundreds, it not millennia of combined pipe smoking opin— er, I mean knowledge. Yes, knowledge.

Cult of the expert, my man!!
We are all merely experts on our own opinions. The one thing that stands firmly to me is that no man should tell a cowboy how to ride his horse. Damn their eyes if they try.
However, anyone may say that a certain type of horse is ugly or stupid. Thusly everyone is allowed an opinion, but not the right to tell someone that their technique is wrong…. Unless a cowboy asks, “what os wrong with the way I’m riding?” Then we may tell them that they have to set upright with a good center of balance, put their feet here and here, and how to use the reigns. Otherwise, STFU.
But, an opinion is very different from instructions. Everyone is allowed an opinion on whatever they want.


Aug 30, 2011
We are all merely experts on our own opinions. The one thing that stands firmly to me is that no man should tell a cowboy how to ride his horse. Damn their eyes if they try.
However, anyone may say that a certain type of horse is ugly or stupid. Thusly everyone is allowed an opinion, but not the right to tell someone that their technique is wrong…. Unless a cowboy asks, “what os wrong with the way I’m riding?” Then we may tell them that they have to set upright with a good center of balance, put their feet here and here, and how to use the reigns. Otherwise, STFU.
But, an opinion is very different from instructions. Everyone is allowed an opinion on whatever they want.
Wait just a minute. You mean to tell me that my four decades of pipe smoking (much like dick size, decades make things seem bigger than actual years ) don’t make you heed my opinion as the gold standard?


Jan 31, 2011
Well, you know, if trying to market PipesMag forum as THE source of pipe smoking wisdom, we need to know how long each member has been smoking a pipe. We can then, you know, add it all up and boast of hundreds, it not millennia of combined pipe smoking opin— er, I mean knowledge. Yes, knowledge.

Cult of the expert, my man!!
You can't have a Cult of the Expert without official credentials and titles...and official garb of some kind. Those are the things people worship.

First you'd have to establish the Pipes Magazine University, and have Kevin create Officer positions governing various issues. Then you could push any agenda you could have us all smoking aros out of Kiserus.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I have smoked a pipe for over 20 years and I still learn new things on a regular basis. Anyone who doesn't is not paying attention that much. I learn about new blends even though I might not buy them, it is fun hearing about them. I love looking at new pipes and I may buy them or not. The amount of new artisans keeps growing and if I see something I like I might some day buy them or not. The choices are pretty amazing out there and even though many are not to my tastes some are.

If anyone had told me that I would re do my collection so I could add 12 new Jack Howell pipes I would have told them they were nuts. But here we are a dozen pipes later and I am loving all my new pipes and breaking them in has been a fun time. I haven't done this in a long time and redoing my collection has been a great time. I decided I was looking at too many pipes and not smoking them. I decided it was time to change things and so I did. I had around 91 pipes and it was time to move out a bunch of them and so I did. I figured 53 pipes was a good number as I have 2 cabinets that hold 51 pipes and I have a round pipe holder that holds 6 big pipes as I have 2 pipes that are too big for my cabinets. I don't have any plans to add more large pipes but you never know.