How Do You Reconcile With Pipe Smoking's Health Risks?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 30, 2019
Wilder, Idaho
I will say simply this:
I really have not smoked that much (an occasional pipe or cigar now and then) most of my life. Now in my late 50's, I feel that the enjoyment derived from my pipes far outweighs the slight possibility of health risks associated with piping.
I feel quite confident that the 10 to 15 bowls a week I smoke will not shorten my life to any measurable degree.


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
I didn’t mean in your particular case just in general. Cholesterol will kill you and cause serious issues much faster than smoking

also I think that cigars are much worse than a pipe since you are sucking directly on the juices. It would be kind of like chewing and smoking a pipe at the same time IMO.

Yeah, I wasn't referring to your post with that quote. In fact I agree far more people should be far more concerned with what they are eating, up to and including cholesterol. But I do believe that concern should be IN ADDITION to concern about tobacco health risks, and not INSTEAD of. Justifying unhealthy activities by saying other activities are more unhealthy doesn't really make logical sense. I'm not saying that is what you are doing with your comments, it's just an illogical justification I hear a lot for many different things. A pet peeve of mine i'd say.

I would say the same for smoking as I would for shitty food. More exposure = more risk.


Nov 13, 2019
That’s true. I think there are also way too many variables as people smoke a pipe so many different ways. Some inhale, breathe it out through the nose, etc etc. Environmental factors as well can play a role. Yes there is risk involved but you have to justify it against the joy or pleasure you receive from the hobby or the act.


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
That’s true. I think there are also way too many variables as people smoke a pipe so many different ways. Some inhale, breathe it out through the nose, etc etc.

This is probably a lot of the reason studying the health risks of something like pipe smoking is very difficult to do accurately. There are so many extraneous variables not only in the way people smoke a pipe, but in what they do in the rest of their lives.


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Seeing a lot of the Risk vs. Pleasure comments. I think it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of any pipe smokers who had been diagnosed with oral cancer or some other major health issue that could be attributed to pipe smoking. I'm betting we'd find a lot less examples of the pleasure outweighs the risks argument in that particular sample, but who knows!? Until then weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 20, 2014
I think this from pipedia is about right.


The highest to lowest risks from tobacco products are as follows
  1. Cigarettes: Primary Risks are Lungs, throat (Erytroplaleia)
  2. Cigars: Primary Risks are Lip, tongue
  3. Smokeless – snuff, chew etc.: Primary Risks are Gum line (Leukoplakia)
  4. Pipes: Primary Risks are Tongue
Lung cancer risk index study
  • Non-smoker 1.0 (base number)
  • Cigarette – 20 grams / day; 16.0 (i.e. 16 x the risk of non-smokers)
  • Cigar – 20 grams / day; 3.2
  • Pipe – if > 10 bowls per day; 6.7
  • Pipe – if 5 bowls per day; 3.2
  • Pipe – if 3 bowls per day; 1.5
  • Pipe – if 2 bowls per day; 1.26
  • typical - 2 bowls every 2-3 days; ~1.05 (almost same as non-smoker)
(Source Webline – reviewed 22 articles. 21,520 smokers studied between 1969 – 93)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 2, 2015
Health was a major consideration when I was first exploring pipe smoking. I'm an advocate of making properly informed decisions, so I did and continue to do a fair amount of Internet research.

There is absolutely an increased risk of cancers (particularly of the mouth and lungs) and other smoking-related diseases, but a couple bowls a day puts that at a fraction of the risk of a pack-a-day cig smoker. Additionally, there's a strong dose response relationship, meaning risk increases the more you smoke. Risk increases the more you inhale, as well.

I smoke only a few times a week, which balances my desire to enjoy pipes and tobacco with minimizing health effects, both chronic and acute. It's up to you to decide how to balance those properties and any others you may consider, such as financial cost.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
It's interesting the number of smokers who have no idea that the dangerous chemicals being ingested or absorbed are the result of incineration not added chemicals. Burning a product, be it an old rubber tire or tobacco, then sucking it into one's mouth is simply reckless behavior. We smokers need to accept that no matter how much we rationalize our smoking we are not doing ourselves any favors. It's simply a selfish choice we've made as a bit of a reward for coping I guess.

Everyone one deserves a wee vice, something a bit selfish. But, we shouldn't minimize the risks. When measuring the risks we cannot do so as we have no idea of how our individual immune system will react to long or short term exposure to the various carcinogens. You just gotta decide to ... take a chance, trust your genes as it were. We got nothing else going for ourselves. Adding more carcinogens intentionally to your/our system doesn't say much our decision making processes.

I say we should be proud of our shortsighted, selfish choice and enjoy the slings and arrows of society.


Jun 6, 2017
I've lived a life of questionable habits. I recently hit age 50, something I never imagined at age 25. I don't go out of my way to endanger myself, nor do I go out of my way to preserve myself.

I guess I don't really care too much. I'd rather have a shorter, enjoyable life than a long, boring one.

I just finished a pipe and a "40" of Hurricane. Happy Friday! ⏰



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
It's interesting the number of smokers who have no idea that the dangerous chemicals being ingested or absorbed are the result of incineration not added chemicals. Burning a product, be it an old rubber tire or tobacco, then sucking it into one's mouth is simply reckless behavior. We smokers need to accept that no matter how much we rationalize our smoking we are not doing ourselves any favors. It's simply a selfish choice we've made as a bit of a reward for coping I guess.

Everyone one deserves a wee vice, something a bit selfish. But, we shouldn't minimize the risks. When measuring the risks we cannot do so as we have no idea of how our individual immune system will react to long or short term exposure to the various carcinogens. You just gotta decide to ... take a chance, trust your genes as it were. We got nothing else going for ourselves. Adding more carcinogens intentionally to your/our system doesn't say much our decision making processes.

I say we should be proud of our shortsighted, selfish choice and enjoy the slings and arrows of society.

This 100%.

I am about to say something and I'm not trying to be an A-Hole, nor am I trying to offend anybody. But over the many years of being on this forum, and smoking in general, I have seen many people ask this or similar questions.

The basic hard truth answer is:

There are hazards to smoking and if you are that worried about it that you have to ask questions and "convince" yourself that it is safe, or not as bad as other forms, you probably shouldn't do it.

Me? I refer to my earlier post. I don't care, I like it, and I'm going to die anyway.


Jul 10, 2019
Shelby, NC
I quit cigarettes with the help of piping. I know there are risks even though I don't inhale, but I feel like I've lessened them substantially... and I'd rather pipe than vape. Since I smoke for nicotine as well as flavor, I smoke a lot, but I could see myself gradually slowing down to a couple bowls a day and still getting plenty of pleasure from the pastime. As much as I smoke, I feel like it still takes me forever to burn through a tin.


May 20, 2017
How do you reconcile your desire to smoke with the risk you have identified?

I am well past a half a century in age. I know that some day I will be a broken pipe. It's going to happen no matter what. Now I have seen most my friends and relatives die. I have to tell you none of them - not one - on their death bed said anything close to, "Wow! I am so glad I did all those healthy things!" Most lamented the things that they perceived they would miss and things they regretted they did not do more of,

For me it is hunting, fishing, hiking and spending time with those missing friends and family. It will not be the small pleasures and creature comforts of which smoking a pipe is one of. I will not deny myself a smoking bowl from a favored pipe and a small tot of a good drink. If it hurries the time along some, well it might not be totally healthy, but it sure is quality time. And that is how I reconcile it. Quality versus quantity.
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