How do others react to your pipe?

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Jan 31, 2011
That is really an incredible story about the pipe-grabbing-psychopathic-witch. All I can say is, I hope I never have to find out how I would react to something like that. Unless you had a witness, calling the cops would probably do you no good. You probably did the right thing to not react, but man did she ever deserve to be tossed in the water.



Mar 9, 2010
Never had any trouble even with the antis. Must have to do with looking like I would like to bite someone. If ANYONE grabbed my pipe there would be Hell to pay!



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
I have learned not to give a s... about what other people think . The neighbors still will not talk to me after the incident with the garden gnome and lingerie . :nana:



Mar 9, 2010
What the hell? Like Duncan said, the pipe would quickly turn into a 1000$ S.Bang with a 700$ bowl of Three Nuns in it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 20, 2010
That's why gentlemen leave home with walking sticks. We are absolutely helpless against these immoral louts and wicked wenches whose evil overwhelms every man's good will. Hope you took the loss not too badly.



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2011
Cornwall UK
I was approached by a lady some time back while having a bowl outside a clothes shop,my wife was inside so I had plenty of time,She said " how nice to see a man smoking a pipe again " We are becoming a rare breed on our streets. Other members of my family are ciggy smokers and get flak from the grandchildren but I am OK with my pipe 'cos they think it's healthier and anyway " It stops grandpa from being grumpy " :))



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
Last week I was walking and smoking, a 91 year old woman flagged me down and regaled me with stories of her father, born in 1878, fought in both world wars, and smoked 10+ bowls a day of ambrosia.



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2010
I get the occasional stare and some people like the aroma.
Quick question, Did the pipe float ? It is wood.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Almost always get positive reactions when I smoke my pipe. My fiance loves the smell of the tobacco, some more than others but in general she loves them all. Most people that do approach me about it say something to the effect of "I didn't think I'd like you smoking that pipe near me, but it actually smells really good.". I try and stay away from blowing smoke into peoples faces, though sometimes Mr. wind has a different idea of where the smoke should go, as most cigarette smokers tend to be oblivious to. Can't believe she threw your pipe into the water. I either would have chucked her into the water or detained her on a citizens arrest and gotten at least a new Peterson out of the deal.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2010
Wow. Legal action would probably be the best course for a victim of such a pipe snatching/destruction... but I don't know if I could prevent instant physical retaliation after such an incident. It makes no difference if it was an S. Bang or a corncob. It is an assault.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 15, 2010
Portland, OR
Damn, that's friggin' insane! I feel lucky to get only positive comments, like the girl who called my pipe "badass" just minutes ago.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
using a cane to get around has its advantages.... along with bayonet training lo these many years ago.
i have had several confrontations, but i live in kalifornia and expect em, even welcome em.
but i smoke for my enjoyment and treat people the same way they treat me. if you are respectfull with your request i will meet you 1/2 way.
if not, screw you, i know the law...



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 21, 2010
Like most of you, the response to my pipe smoke is almost universally positive. People tend to view me as an interesting oddity from simple times long gone by. I cannot count the number of people, both male and female, who comment on how the aroma brings back memories of a favorite grandfather or uncle who smoked a pipe. I hear childhood stories about Christmas or dad at his workbench frequently as total strangers feel comfortable striking up pleasant conversation. Surely there are some that don't like it, but they tend to walk by and remain silent.

I recall one older lady in particular who walked by me as I smoked my pipe outside the office one evening. She hobbled past, walked about 20 yards. Then she stopped, turned to me and said, "God, that pipe smells delicious".



Might Stick Around
Feb 1, 2011
Most of the time people give me positive compliments about the smell of the pipe.Alot of times I just get that odd look from people,guess its because of my age.

One time in the city where we use to live I took the kids to the park near my parents home.The kids were playing on the slides and I was off on the side puffing away when I was approached by a cop I knew who was on patrol.As it happened a woman who was there went home with her kids and called the police saying I was smoking dope in the park.Every do-gooder wants to be a hero.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
Yes times have changed. But for the most part the comments I recieve are positive, saying how their father or grandfather smoked a pipe, and its aroma made them think of them. I can't really recall negative comments except maybe for heavy english blends that some people don't care for as much. But then the comments not so much negative ad its a comment on how different or strong the aroma is.
Speaking of changed times. I said to one of the young girls at work the other day, after having had a rough day, I went home grabbed my favorite pipe and smoked a couple of bowls. She was floored, and said "I never would have thought you smoked pot." I explained, and she said, "oh...." "My grandpa used to smoke a pipe." I feel so old.

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