I know the general practice is to dedicate pipes to various blend types to avoid ghosting. And I do it too. I have about 10-12 pipes I keep in the rotation and I smoke about half of those more regularly than the others. But I do keep my designations pretty simple. Basically, it’s aromatics and non-aromatics. However, I do have ones that I find make English, Virginias, Burleys, VaPers, Balkans taste better than in others. And if the aro is a “light aro,” I’ll very occasionally smoke a bowl in one of the non-aro pipes.
In fact, now that I think about it, I really only have two pipes designated for aros. And I’ll even smoke non-aros in those from time to time to sort of “recalibrate” them. After a while, my aro pipes start all tasting the same regardless of what aromatic blend I load.
But I’m just curious if any of you just say to heck with it, and smoke whatever blend in whatever pipe.
In fact, now that I think about it, I really only have two pipes designated for aros. And I’ll even smoke non-aros in those from time to time to sort of “recalibrate” them. After a while, my aro pipes start all tasting the same regardless of what aromatic blend I load.
But I’m just curious if any of you just say to heck with it, and smoke whatever blend in whatever pipe.