Hey guys...and gals, as my wife has picked up the obsession as well, after seeing how much I enjoy my smoke now. So although she's a particularly different shade of bird, women and pipes do apparently get together every once in awhile. We like va/per,and aromatic sweet backys, the sweeter the better, ( to a point, I didn't like how overbearing the "Two Friends, Celtic mist," was, it was like breathing in perfume. However I really want some blends that have some SERIOUS straight flavors,honey, apple, bourbon, and rum, flavors I've bought all sorts of tins and bulk backys, but the closest I've come to a nice va/per sweet, is Stokkebye twist flake... Which by the way is a "blow your mind," backy, which currently shares 1st place with " Salty Dog," another well rounded backy. I'm only really into flake, and plug backys, and plan to be making my own plug blends by the end of next summer, so any tips or ideas on how to flavor my backy, or any good flake/plug you may recommend, dieing to get my hands on some hoggarth rope plug, but missed my shot, any1 got any leads on that?