Honey to Break In?

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Apr 25, 2013
Hello everyone!
First post and new to the world of pipes. I have a new Peterson coming in today. It was a gift from my old man.
In terms of breaking in the pipe, I've heard some of the older gents suggest putting a bit of honey in the bottom for the first few bowls? Necessary or superstition?



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
I have never used honey to break in a pipe. The most that I have ever done to break in a pipe is to use the step method in which you start with a third of a bowl or so of tobacco and slowly pack more into the bowl over time.

Usally though I just start with a full bowl of tobacco and I have never noticed any negative consequences to doing this.

Jul 12, 2011
The Matrix
Agree, no honey, jams, etc...think going rancid IMHO :-(
Just smoke-smoke-smoke and ah, smoke and cake will magically

form for you...don't rush it and enjoy the ride...IMO Vs will give

you very tough cakes, and it seems like MB ODF, Peterson UF

almost start building cake for you only after a few smokes...or

was I enjoying those blends too much and that is a few dozen

smokes :) when they do form keep them about a dime's

thickness and you will be good to go



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I've heard of the honey method, I used it on a cheaper pipe that I bought new, it's the only pipe I bought new and it didn't do anything bad to the pipe. I just took a q-tip and put a thin layer of honey inside the bowl, let it dry for a day or so and then smoked using the 3rd of a bowl method then increasing. The honey helps the ash stick to the sides which builds up the cake. It's all a matter of personal opinion frankly, it's not going to do any harm. Using a retort and putting hot alcohol into the pipe seems like it would be more harmful than coating the bowl with honey, but retorts don't do any damage either.
In fact on the brigham pipe website they recommend using the honey as the high sugar content helps in building up the carbon for the cake. http://www.brighampipes.com/breaking_in_a_new_pipe.htm
The only reason I haven't done it since is I only buy estate pipes now, which already have a nice cake built up.



Mar 9, 2010
I wouldn't. There is no need for it. Just smoke slowly for the first few bowls.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Nah, I don't put any extra stuff. Just use some nice Burley tobacco. McBaren Golden Extra and Carter Hall work exceptionally well for breaking in a pipe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
Funny,someone else started a thread asking about using honey to break in a new pipe.

I think that was me or I mentioned it in a thread and it was discussed.
I use it and have no issues. I find it builds cake faster. The first three or four bowls taste like burnt honey but it really helps in caking. It is best to do this with a warm pipe to have open pores in the wood. I set mine by a small space heater on low for about 30mins. It was quite warm to the touch when I smeared the honey in the bowl. Once it cooled most of it was absorbed by the wood and it wasn't sticky like it was when I put it in. It was almost solidified. I packed up a bowl and it was nice.
I smoked a pipe once without coating the bowl and I got an awful dirty taste in my mouth it was dried out like I gotten a mouthful of drywall dust. Rinsed with salt water then biotene, it finally went away in the morning.
Great to see more new members on the forums and into the hobby. A guy at work picked up pipe smoking for afterwork while he reads. He said he liked the smell of my pipes so he decided to get his own. Gave him some 'baccy to try and hes placing an order with 4noggins this weekend.
Welcome to PM and the briarhood :)

Happy smoking!



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 31, 2012
I tried the honey trick on one of my pipes. Just a mess in the end. My mainly used pipe I did not use anything, and that one now has a nice cake, not big yet, but its there. That pipe of mine is also coated with Brighams coating, like carbonizing, I don't know if that helps or not, but really, just smoke a tin or two (or pouch or two) and you'll have a cake and a broken in pipe, it will come before you know it.



Can't Leave
Sep 23, 2012
honey will work with no ill effects. it also makes for a good repair material when mixed with cigar ash, many members here prefer pipe mud which utilizes cigar ash mixed with water. I think it`s really personal preference weather one uses honey or not. honey was suggested to me ~ 30 years ago at my local b+m. take care all.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 31, 2012
When you say mixing with ash for repair, are we talking pasteurized honey, liquid honey, or straight non liquid non pasteurized honey?



Can't Leave
Sep 23, 2012
I have been using U.S. GRADE A PURE CLOVER HONEY purchased at meijers. hope this answers your question.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I just used the honey that was in the cupboard, honey is honey in the end. Considering brigham pipes has it on their website, I'd take their word, as they're professional pipe makers. If it has a coating already then no it's not necessary, but it definitely has benefits in building a good cake faster.

Apr 25, 2013
Thanks everyone. I decided to forego the honey and just smoke to the bottom. Bowl 2 as I type this and the carbon was already starting nicely after the first!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2012
+100 on the honey, I hear people complain about Peterson break in time here a lot. I have never had an issue with my Petes but always use a bit of warm honey on the new bowl before I pack it. No rancid issues but a good start to a carbon layer. Also agree with no replacement for smoking your pipe. The honey has just worked for me so I use what I know. Of course the wife says no more pipes so its all a moot point hehehehe



Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2013
Honey works good, and I also use a blueberry pancake syrup which is my new favourite. It helps build cake and gets rid of the sometimes nasty taste you get when breaking in a new pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 14, 2013
Honey will not go Francis, only fats and oils can go rancid. That being said I've never used honey, but I am considering it for my next pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2013
It's not proper cake you'll get but ash sticked to honey. One upon a time it will fall down piece by piece.
I personally always break in a new pipe with some Oriental/Latakia mixture, never by pure Virginia and especially not by folded and stuffed Virginia flake. It burns too hot for a new unprotected pipe.
After approximately 10 slow(!) smokes the pipe is ready for punishment.

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