seacaptain, In regards to your real world illustration, I find that a valid point, however, and this is something I hoped someone would get around to eventually in this discussion, individual and organized religious views and interpretations vary so much each individual, including the original poster, must question themselves and find their own answer.
I will freely admit that many of my religious views differ from a great many others, both organized and individual, to such an extent that which questioned as to what denomination I am, I answer "I'm a heretic." My own personal belief, which I except no one else to hold, is that the illustration of the plank goes to a much broader sense in that it is to remind us that while we may not be guilty of a specific sin, we are guilty of sin. Therefore we may direct our brother or inform him of his wrong doing, but it is still not our place to judge. That is why I feel Matt 7 would be relevant. It is moot, however, in that, as I said earlier, the original poster will own find his answer in himself.
By the way, I have enjoyed our discussion on this topic and am pleased by the added bonus that each reply brings me closer to that magical 100th post.
P.S. - Will hold off on the is addiction a sin or symptom question for a later date.