Welcome from the one foot in the grave state, Florida.
I smoke Sutliff Molto Dolce which is about the same blend as your Custard. I would have bought bulk but I have no room. i smoke it when my mom comes over as she loves the smell and it reminds her of her father who was a pipe smoker. I wish I had those pipes back but my uncle just tossed them. If he weren't such a nice guy I would have given him hell, that's life for you. The only other aromatic s in my cellar are Cult Blood Red Moon, that is some tasty stuff and i can smoke it fresh out of the tin. It has a very unique Cherry/Chocolate thing going on.
Again I only buy the tins, but someone here says that there is a bulk match to it. You can start a thread and I am sure someone will let you know. It is what I smoke when my oldest daughter comes over. I spoil the crap out of my kids, I really do. Nice to have you with us, I hope you enjoy the site. Don't be afraid to ask any question, we were all knew once and we didn't know jack most of the time.