Just my review/comparison between some 2015 vintage HHPV I’ve had cellared, and a box I just received via SP discount sale, which is 2020.
Both exhibit that sun tea tin note, though the 2015 is much more subdued. I’d say it has more of a straight tea aroma, versus the sweet tea/southern honey tea aroma of the “fresh” version.
Even though I’ve jarred the 2015, it’s still quite pliable and moist, though definitely speckled with those sugars from the leaf. The newer version is cut bubble gum thin, and quite elastic.
I utilize the fluid and stuff method for both samples, after a half hour drying time. I’m only utilizing one flake per sample, folding the width first, and then folding across the length. Both are smoked in 05 shape Peterson’s, the 2015 taking a maiden voyage in my Peterson Atlantic rustic, the 2020 in a Peterson Donegal.* Note that I normally rub out flake, but have decided that gold and stuff brings out the better flavors in MacBaren flakes, I assume because of their thin cut.
The 2015 lights easily, and per my normal routine, requires only a charring light with the match, a few puffs, tamp, and away I go.
The 2020 requires a charring light, some tamping, a second light, more tamping, and a final light. More drying time would be beneficial with the “fresh” tobacco.
The 2015 burns exceptionally well, giving off faint grass flavors, and a bit of what I can only describe as a sweet bread/Texas moppin roll essence. Maybe, even, a flavor profile akin to King’s Hawaiian loaf, sweet, yeasty, filling.
The 2020 burns well enough but requires a relight at about 1/2 way. There’s a slight “slurp” not nearly a gurgle, but again reaffirming my thoughts of additional drying time.
Not an abundance of flavor, more a fresh cigar taste. Not unpleasant, quite the contrary, but lacking that depth time has provided its counter sample.
Neither put up much hassle in caring for the ember, though I’d estimate that the newer 2020 required two or three times more tamping that it’s older brethren.
The 2015 maintains that breadiness throughout its entirety, whereas the 2020 does pick up some faint hay essence at about the 3/4 finished point.
2015 burns to a mostly white Ash, with maybe 1/4 or 1/3 burning grey. No discernible Dottle in the bowl. The 2020, however; burns to a darkish grey, and quite a bit of moisture at the recess. Surprised at how much actually. Not to the degree of say, Seven Seas, but a good bit of it. All tobacco is burned though, no wet remnants.
After some time has passed (a few hours, perhaps four or five), I Run tapered pipe cleaners wet with everclear done both pipes. The 2015 comes out relatively clean, only requiring two wet runs, and two dry pipe cleaners. The 2020, requires quite a few more. I’ve five tapered pretty dark, and another six utilized before I reached a modicum of clean.
While not a “room note” per se, as I smoke outdoors exclusively; my sweetie informs me that the 2015 has hints of fair grounds fried goods, she specifically mentions elephant ears. I take from that, cinnamon, fry bread, and that aroma from melting powdered sugar. The 2018, she can’t describe, other than to say grilled corn, without the corn aroma, more generic sweetness. She’s not offended by either, but much prefers the scent of the 2015.
Both exhibit that sun tea tin note, though the 2015 is much more subdued. I’d say it has more of a straight tea aroma, versus the sweet tea/southern honey tea aroma of the “fresh” version.
Even though I’ve jarred the 2015, it’s still quite pliable and moist, though definitely speckled with those sugars from the leaf. The newer version is cut bubble gum thin, and quite elastic.
I utilize the fluid and stuff method for both samples, after a half hour drying time. I’m only utilizing one flake per sample, folding the width first, and then folding across the length. Both are smoked in 05 shape Peterson’s, the 2015 taking a maiden voyage in my Peterson Atlantic rustic, the 2020 in a Peterson Donegal.* Note that I normally rub out flake, but have decided that gold and stuff brings out the better flavors in MacBaren flakes, I assume because of their thin cut.
The 2015 lights easily, and per my normal routine, requires only a charring light with the match, a few puffs, tamp, and away I go.
The 2020 requires a charring light, some tamping, a second light, more tamping, and a final light. More drying time would be beneficial with the “fresh” tobacco.
The 2015 burns exceptionally well, giving off faint grass flavors, and a bit of what I can only describe as a sweet bread/Texas moppin roll essence. Maybe, even, a flavor profile akin to King’s Hawaiian loaf, sweet, yeasty, filling.
The 2020 burns well enough but requires a relight at about 1/2 way. There’s a slight “slurp” not nearly a gurgle, but again reaffirming my thoughts of additional drying time.
Not an abundance of flavor, more a fresh cigar taste. Not unpleasant, quite the contrary, but lacking that depth time has provided its counter sample.
Neither put up much hassle in caring for the ember, though I’d estimate that the newer 2020 required two or three times more tamping that it’s older brethren.
The 2015 maintains that breadiness throughout its entirety, whereas the 2020 does pick up some faint hay essence at about the 3/4 finished point.
2015 burns to a mostly white Ash, with maybe 1/4 or 1/3 burning grey. No discernible Dottle in the bowl. The 2020, however; burns to a darkish grey, and quite a bit of moisture at the recess. Surprised at how much actually. Not to the degree of say, Seven Seas, but a good bit of it. All tobacco is burned though, no wet remnants.
After some time has passed (a few hours, perhaps four or five), I Run tapered pipe cleaners wet with everclear done both pipes. The 2015 comes out relatively clean, only requiring two wet runs, and two dry pipe cleaners. The 2020, requires quite a few more. I’ve five tapered pretty dark, and another six utilized before I reached a modicum of clean.
While not a “room note” per se, as I smoke outdoors exclusively; my sweetie informs me that the 2015 has hints of fair grounds fried goods, she specifically mentions elephant ears. I take from that, cinnamon, fry bread, and that aroma from melting powdered sugar. The 2018, she can’t describe, other than to say grilled corn, without the corn aroma, more generic sweetness. She’s not offended by either, but much prefers the scent of the 2015.