Hi !! Everyone
I’m new here. Just received Sasieni One dot fish tail logo but it’s lacked of PAT no. and also the Sasieni logo seem weird than usual fish tail logo that i ever seen on google search and ebay.
The nomenclature state:
Sasieni (script in fish tail)
71SSB (placing on left side just between 2nd and 3rd line)
Those pictures will show below.
Per see. The tail of last ‘ i ‘ just didn’t sweap continuously like usual fish tail logo. It left one line over the fish head.
I ever seen few fish tail logo alike mine before over ebay. But those all bear PAT no. Mine not.
Through my reading over pipedia. It seem PAT no. is using on some period just before WWII and that for the pipe destinate for US and UK market (?) Correct me if I’m wrong. Due this one i got from Europe continent.But the fish tail logo still get me confuse on dating as well as its unusual tail shape.
Lastly. The stem is without stringer and it’s double step tennon. It’s probably the replace one(?) By the way I’m not quite worry about the stem as much the pipe stummel.
May all your guys and experts over here could help me figure out if this one is fake Sasieni or not?
And the stem is original one or replace ?
If you capable to determine.
Your opinions here would be really appreciated.
Best wish.

I’m new here. Just received Sasieni One dot fish tail logo but it’s lacked of PAT no. and also the Sasieni logo seem weird than usual fish tail logo that i ever seen on google search and ebay.
The nomenclature state:
Sasieni (script in fish tail)
71SSB (placing on left side just between 2nd and 3rd line)
Those pictures will show below.
Per see. The tail of last ‘ i ‘ just didn’t sweap continuously like usual fish tail logo. It left one line over the fish head.
I ever seen few fish tail logo alike mine before over ebay. But those all bear PAT no. Mine not.
Through my reading over pipedia. It seem PAT no. is using on some period just before WWII and that for the pipe destinate for US and UK market (?) Correct me if I’m wrong. Due this one i got from Europe continent.But the fish tail logo still get me confuse on dating as well as its unusual tail shape.
Lastly. The stem is without stringer and it’s double step tennon. It’s probably the replace one(?) By the way I’m not quite worry about the stem as much the pipe stummel.
May all your guys and experts over here could help me figure out if this one is fake Sasieni or not?
And the stem is original one or replace ?
If you capable to determine.
Your opinions here would be really appreciated.
Best wish.