Help me pick out a Hand Gun!

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Feb 3, 2011
I carry and train using a G30(.45). If I was at a static range shooting bulls or gaming (IDPA,USPSA,IPSC,3GUN) I would choose something cheaper to feed. 9mm probably. Ammo is more expensive than tobacco. And also all is not created equal.
Many of the guns mentioned would be a pain to carry. A proper belt and holster can only go so far.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 28, 2009
Parker, CO
I've been looking real hard at the Ruger P-90, .45 ACP as my next purchase. Same basic look and feel as the P-89, 9mm I've got, just a little bigger. Identical safety/de-cocking arrangement, so it's very familiar.
I shot many .45's, and really like the round. Less kick than a 9mm, and very accurate. Not punishing at all. An easy gun to shoot all day. I can see why they're so popular.



Feb 1, 2010
I have a Beretta .380 I like (for when the Rem is in the shop). It's got a great hand feel to it and holds 13 rounds.

My next gun purchase will be a Beretta Neos. The mob likes the .22 for hit because what it lacks in sheer stopping power it makes up for in cranium bullet bouncing ability so if you are a good shot, you might want to think about using one for home defense.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Hey Bubba,
I carried a Ruger P-90 DC for about 10 years when I worked for the county.

It's my cold weather carry. You will be very happy with the way it shoots.

I recommend that you use +P type Ammo. Like Corbon +P high velocity... Mmmmm sah-wheat!

And, very accurate. One other recommendation... The grips that come standard are a bit slick, so you might invest in a good set of Hoage (I think that's the way it's spelled) grips.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Okay so things have changed a bit since my original post. The wife and I talked and she says that I can't spend over $400 (money is a little tight at the moment :( ) and I have decided to get a 9mm. Now don't get me wrong I am not going to get one hand gun and stick with it. I will get more than one later on, but my first will probably be my only for about a year. So after reading everyone's advice this is the list of possibilities...



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Okay so things have changed a bit since my original post. The wife and I talked and she says that I can't spend over $400 (money is a little tight at the moment ) and I have decided to get a 9mm. Now don't get me wrong I am not going to get one hand gun and stick with it. I will get more than one later on, but my first will probably be my only for about a year. So after reading everyone's advice this is the list of possibilities...
Ruger P95


S&W Sigma SW9VE




SIG Sauer p250


Taurus 24/7 pro


And then these are the big MAYBES, depends on other factors...
Hi-Point 9mm These run about 170, and have pretty good reviews. Almost everyone say it is a good gun for the money?!


Last but not least would be the Glocks either the 17 or the 19.



A cop friend of mine said that a ton of his officer friends are looking to get new handguns soon and all of them have Glocks (many are 9mm he said) and he said I would be able to get them for under $400 and possibly under $300.
So that is my list, I am hoping to shoot as many of these as I can before I make a decision. Any comments on my choices would be much appreciated.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
Well have you test fired most of em? or all of em at a range?


If you can get 17 or 19 glock under $400 i would say get it or at least try it first. The sites and grip are superb.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
I really think I am going to go with the Ruger P95 since I am a left handed shooter... It has a safety and a mag release on both sides! Thanks for the video Shotokun!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 20, 2010
The Glock has a safety that is unlocked when you deliberately pull the trigger, so you can use it easily with any hand. (I'm a leftie too.) If you can get a new (even slightly used, ca 20.000 shots) one for 300 bucks, get it sometime :P.
Anyway, if you lean toward the Ruger feeling patriotic, go for it. It's great to feel about something that way and will serve you better in emergencies with that mentality than an unpersonal alternetive.
I'll buy a hand-forged longsword when I can afford one.



Feb 3, 2011
If it is Ruger vs. Hipoint. It's really no contest IMHO. Ruger wins. I shot a sigma in .40 was not impressed.



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2010
The Ruger looks like the only one on your list that's not double action only (DAO).

This may be a consideration for you. Any of those guns would be fine.

The Hi-Point would be last on the list. Spend the extra $ and get something that will last.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
My Ruger is Double Action and has a De-Cocking devise thus the DC in the number.

The DC is the thumb lever near the butt end of the slide.

As for the Glock and it's "safety"; What good is a safety that disengages when you pull the trigger?

However: The Ruger has no safety, save it's Double action feature. Once you load and rack a round, the hammer is back and ready to fire. Use the DC and the hammer is brought forward and the firing pin is recessed into the slide. So even if you dropped the pistol on the hammer, or even hit the hammer with a hammer it will not strike the firing pin and it will not discharge. Where the possibility of a shock caused accidental discharge is present with the glock. Unless I'm quite mistaken the firing pin is spring loaded in the glock, and must be compressed when a round is chambered.

Please correct me if I'm wrong guys.



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2010
Just looked it up (wiki). They are available in both DA/SA and DAO.
Once you load and rack a round, the hammer is back and ready to fire
Now your gun is in SA mode.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 20, 2010
@Lawrence: The Glock has a "second trigger" which stands out. you have to pull that one first before you pull the real trigger. The "second trigger" disables/disengages the safeties that make the gun fool-proof, even to shocks (the safeties are too small to have the necessary inertia that causes these shock/drop-accidents). As long as you keep your finger away from the trigger (preferably on the guard), it won't fire.



Might Stick Around
Dec 29, 2010
I say stick with 1911 'style'. They're very reliable, parts are cheap, and you can ALWAYS find a gunsmith to tweak it for ya. Who cares if yer a lefty... have someone put an ambidextrious safety on it for ya.
I did mine myself... about 4/5 of the way down the page.



Might Stick Around
Feb 2, 2011
1. For the love of Pete, don't get a Hi-Point. They work... but at the risk of sounding snobbish, they are utter rubbish. The reason they are inexpensive is because they're mechanically simple and made of cheap materials. Both things are BAD. I mean, the guns work but they're just big versions of the uber-cheap .25s like the Ravens or Lorcins... UGH. STAY AWAY unless you just want to say "I has a handgun!"
2. Rugers are solid, sturdy, American made, reliable, reasonably accurate handguns. I like that. They are a good company and stand behind their guns. Since the death of founder Bill Ruger, they even support the 2nd Amendment rights of American gun owners... I have a Ruger 10/22 rifle, a Ruger LCP .380 pistol, and a Ruger "Super SIngle Six" .22 revolver. I love them. Having said that, my personal opinion is that their "P" series centerfire semi-auto pistols are a bit chunky and clunky compared to the competition. I'm not a Ruger hater by any means, but their manufacturing methods and design are built for ease of manufacture using the investment casting method they perfected, not for sleek sexy lines or refinement. Great guns but not my preference.
3. Glocks are "striker fired" and have a spring loaded firing pin (striker) that is at "half cock" until the trigger is pulled, then it's pulled back fully and released to fire. Yes, there is no EXTERNAL safety other than that silly teat on the trigger. However, a firing pin safety locks the gun up until the trigger is pulled fully. Most modern autos have passive firing pin locks... you can hammer nails with them, loaded, without fear of accidental discharge. "Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot" is a cardinal rule of firearms safety.
4. I can't reiterate it enough, TRY BEFORE YOU BUY if at all possible. Buying a pistol based on Internet advice or pictures in a catalog is a tremendous mistake. Would you buy a car based on aesthetics, features, or advice without a test drive? Maybe a basic pistol course from an NRA certified instructor first... unless you're already an experienced pistolero, best money you'll ever spend!
Edited to add: Come to think of it, Glocks have been criticized aesthetically and ergonomically too... so I guess I can't be too hard on Rugers in that regard. Further credence to "one man's meat is another man's poison" or "one man's Lakeland blend is another man's Penazance" =) Of course with the tobacco, I like both...



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 21, 2010
I'm a bit surprised no one has mentioned Kahr handguns. Made in the USA, carried by everyone from US Border Patrol to Navy SEALS all of whom swear by them. They're deadly accurate and easy to maintain. I carry a K-40 with Winchester .40 hollow points at the office...cheaper full metal jacket loads on the range. If you check out their website, you'll find a new line of more affordable pieces this year or, better yet, look for a good used gun. Check out the top of the pile before you lay down your hard earned money. You'll pass it on to your kids one day, so don't skimp.

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