Help me pick out a Hand Gun!

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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
I carried a Glock 22 (.40) and later a Glock 21 (.45) for many years. I later transitioned to a Kimber 1911 TLE/II after transfering to a tactical unit. Both weapons served me well, and each has their pro's and cons. Unless you rework a Glock, it will not be the accurate tack driver that the Kimber 1911 is. The intent of the Glock is to be a combat handgun, loosened tolerances, and to work in adverse environments/conditions, and it does this very well. If I had to pick between a Glock and a Kimber for survival if dropped on a deserted island, I would pick the Glock for the reliability factor. For day to day use where I can clean my weapon frequently and as required, I will pick the 1911 hands down as it is (for me) more accurate, and when cleaned and maintained, just as reliable. Not maintained, the 1911 will be prone to rust and feeding failures. The Glock is less susceptable to rust, and even when dirty just seems to work. All that being said, and that is not even .1%, it really boils down to what you like, are comfortable with, and have trigger time with. You can have the best weapon in the world, but if you are proficient with it, its crap.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Thanks for all the advice guys! I looked around at a few of the ranges (online that is) and no where does it talk about renting guns, I am goi g to call them today and ask. Now those 2 suggestions I gave in the original post where just two of many I was looking at, but I would love suggestions on any hand gun; like many of you have been doing!
Also by home protection I mean a house! I would never keep a gun in an apartment complex! And to those that suggest a shotgun, I have 10 shotguns and an M4 that would work, I would just like to have a pistol as well!



Can't Leave
Jun 18, 2010
Hey Bubba
I sold guns at gunshows for 13 years, about 36 weekends A year.

I have carried A 1911 for many years, as I got older the 1911 got

heavier. Now I cary A colt defender, much lighter but basically

the same gun.
Having said all that, IMHO standardgewher has it nailed, everything

he says is correct, especially in the first paragraph.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I carried a Baretta .25 cal. as a back up in the old days.

It fit nicely behind my buckle of my duty rig.

I still carry it. Small, light, reliable, and 9 shots including 1 in the "pop" top.

Note: This isn't mine. It is (pardon the pun) a stock photo.



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2010
Newberry, SC
Glocks are not what some think they are.

the Barettas may be the military choice for now, but that's not a popular choice.

The 9mm sucks for defense and it's been proven against drugheads and terrorists.

I'd still recommend a nice .45 Springfield or Colt.
oh and if you load a shotgun with 00buck you are basically shooting several projectiles that are .38 in size. And it depends... surely they're not recommending 3.5" shells in 00buck for home defense. LOL



Might Stick Around
Feb 2, 2011
I love discussing this topic! Everyone's opinion differs a little, based on their own personal experience, but everyone is also dead on!
And in the final analysis, what works for YOU is what's right. Practice, practice, practice. Shot placement trumps caliber selection. No single weapons system is everything you've heard about it in common lore. The .25 you have with you is better than the .45 locked up at home, but you should carry the most powerful pistol you can effectively conceal, carry always, and shoot accurately. The first rule of a gunfight: HAVE A GUN!
I salute the collective wisdom of my fellow gunslingers on this forum and look forward to seeing what Bubba ends up with!



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
but you should carry the most powerful pistol you can effectively conceal

That is the exact thought I had while I was thinking about this.
Here in the Sunny South, it gets hot early in the Spring. So, the choice is one that is light and easy to conceal. In the Winter I carry a Ruger .45 because I am usually wearing a jacket.



Feb 1, 2010
Its amazing how ridiculous everyones advice is. For home nightstand defense you want a sawed off Remington 870 pump with the restriction removed and staggered shells of sandbag, buckshot and then deer slug. Take them down with the bag, shred their groin with the buck shot and then stop that gawd awful moan and crying with a skull vaporizing deer slug.
All of that assumes you don't just grow a pair and use a spear fishing gun like a man should.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
Just get a 9mm. I agree a .45 has a lot of stopping power but r u planning to the outdoors and go into a fire fight with the cartels? 9mm imho is supremd to self-defense and great starter, and if ur wife has to operate it no worries since the kick isnt as great. Glock 19 baby.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 28, 2009
Parker, CO
First off, let me say I'm a big Ruger fan. American made, reasonable price, VERY reliable. I own a P-89 (9 mm semi-auto), a Blackhawk (single action .357), both are excellent and always work.
That being said, check out
The new LCP is a .380. I know, some will say under-powered. But for close quarter (under 10 feet) defense, a .380 is adaquate. With hollow points, it shouldn't penetrate surrounding walls in the event of a miss.
I've got two friends in AZ that carry the LCP, and it's really a neat gun. Small, very thin, and light. Carrys 6+1, and is comfortable to conceal. Price is right, too. Frankly, you hardly know you're wearing it. Reports are it's very reliable, with no misfires or stovepipes. Typical Ruger quality. I believe you can get it with an extended magazine, that adds a little length to the grip.
As far as a shotgun - excellent home defense weapon, but a bit hard to conceal and carry.
Stop by your local gun store and take a look at the Ruger LCP. I think you'll be impressed.
Happy hunting,



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 28, 2009
Parker, CO
I've been reading a few posts and I had to chuckle. It seems the Glock addicts are about as numerous as the Boswell junkies out there. Just sayin'
Personally, I carry a Taurus model 605 (sadly, no longer made), 5-shot, .357, ported 2 1/2 inch barrel, rubber grips, black Parkerized revolver. The classic "snub nose". Amazingly accurate, despite the short barrel. Loud, too.
I like a wheel gun because THEY ALWAYS WORK. Bad primer? Just pull the trigger again. No pausing to rack another round. Remember, in a stressful situation, milliseconds count. And if five .357 rounds isn't enough to stop a perp at close range, then I need to go back to the range and practice.
Again, just sayin'



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 14, 2010
Now that 870 is exactly what you need on the fishing boat, id pack at least 2 just in case.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
For what its worth - I've got a Beretta M-9 9mm and it' a real accurate shooter, 15 rd clip, easy to clean and take apart and assemble, no discernable recoil (which helps keep shots on target - I am also a large man 6'4" 330 and find it fits my big paw very well - ammo is easy to obtain and reload (so far)and comes w/lot of load/bullet choices - Like many have already said - pistols are like pipes and bacca "theres something for everyones taste and budget" The m-9 is around 6 to $675 I recommend!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
^LOL @ standardgewehr

Oh i think a compound bow would do you well-- i prefer 75LB pull.

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