My advice is to smoke the pipe, often. Based only on my observations, waxing over the original wax surface gives the pipe a gleaming surface the color of wax. I firmly believe natural color is the process of the residues of the tobacco filtering through the pores of mineral only. If the meerschaum is pure and very porous it will color faster, usually starting in the stem and bottom of the bowl.
I think the process of waxing over the wax gives the smoker a sense of participating in the process more than just smoking the pipe but, does nothing to speed the internal process.
Wiping the inside of the bowl, or a gentle scraping keeps the pores from clogging. It is the porosity of the mineral which determines the amount and speed of coloring. I've never experienced an "African" meer nor has one of my pipes ever had a pink hue as it colored. I suspect the variations in color are caused by a combination of impurities in the mineral, perhaps different blends and how the pipe is handled and maintained.
I have only seen a couple of fully colored meers. The were a dark, deep brown, nearly black from the rim of the bowl to the end of the stem. They were old pipes, smaller bowls, dating from the 1800s I believe. If I wanted such a pipe, and I do but I missed my chance, I would have one meer which I would smoke every evening, at least two bowls. And, I would hope the pipe was made from a very porous hunk of very pure meerschaum. I think such is a rare combination.
I keep in mind that many meer owners in the past hired underlings to smoke their pipes. Purely speculating, a meer might get smoked three or four times a day over a period of months (years?). My wee collection of a half dozen are smoked one to four or five times a week.
Properly coloring a meer requires smoking and time.
Again, my observations are based on 50 years of meers, reading and observing, an adolescent period of waxing, caring for meers (one is 50 years in my possession, purchased new, a very chaste white) and never having achieved a perfectly colored pipe.
In the final analyses I suggest the smoker do what they wish as long as such leads to enjoying the pipe.
Hawke's link is inspiring.
Edit: I missed my chance for a fully colored meer by having too many to smoke. I enjoy the meer smoking experience and accumulated a couple too many. One pipe, treated well and smoked often might have been the way to go I suppose.