Help a Newbie. Bad Taste and Cheap Pipe

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Nov 12, 2018
Hello! I was smoking pipe for the first time today. I have a cheap straight dollar pipe made out of plastic and briar, one of those one that you can remove the bowl. I was charging it very carefully and then doing the "real" lighting also very carefully. But I got a nasty flavour, almost like a chemical taste. So I figured out that I had scorched it. But after one puff it didn't taste anything, the smoke felt so thin, compared to like cigarettes. I tried several times but the result was the same. I have watched a lot of YouTube videos so I thought I was prepared. What I am supposed to do? Buy a corn cop and better tobacco and try? Or just keep trying till I make it not taste like acid?

Any tips and tricks would help.
Best regards




Dec 18, 2015
Cobleskill, NY
Get a cob or a real briar which is inexpensive, such as a Morgan Pipe Bones, Kaywoodie Drinkless, Dr. Grabow, etc. That pipe is going to ruin the experience. This will not be like cigarettes, but definitely get the real experience before deciding if it is for you.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Agree with the above. If you're not willing to spend on a good quality briar (cheap briars will not help you), get a Missouri Meerschaum cob, and use it to get started.
On the smoke thing, yes, at first it'll be tasteless. Your tongue needs to get 'awakened' to the flavours of pipe tobacco. It takes a while, but the end result is well worth the rather steep learning curve.

Nov 12, 2018
Thanks for the answers! I will buy a pack of real MM cobs. I've smoked a few cigar and hopefully the taste will be something like that! How long does it take to awakening a tongue?



Mar 25, 2014
Dunhill Early Morning Pipe, if you can still get it, is a very forgiving blend and a great gateway blend into the world of English Mixtures.



Can't Leave
Sep 10, 2018
Denver, CO
As a fellow newbie, I can tell you that there is a difference in the way quality (which does not always mean expensive) pipes smoke versus cheap ones. I have been very impressed with the performance and forgiveness of MM cobs. I have several briars as well but I love my cobs as well. I prefer the Country Gentleman pipe and my new Carolina Gent pipe is a great smoker as well.
Good luck and I hope that one bad pipe does not turn you off from enjoying pipes.



Jun 6, 2017
Bad taste and cheap pipe
Hey! I resemble that remark...
Welcome, Wilhelm.
I think I know what pipe you have. I had one in the beginning, also. The bowl being briar that screws into a body like a Falcon pipe, but the body is made of plastic like the chromed parts of a model car from the 80's.
It's the middle one in this, my first pic ever on the forum.

I have to concur. Get rid of it. A MM cob will get you rolling, but a briar, even an inexpensive one, is a long term companion. Check out the sponsor links on the left edge of the page for some economical options.



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Be sure to dry out your tobacco. This was the cause of many problems when I was starting out. If your draw is too thin even when the tobacco is going properly, then that would suggest to me the pipe isn't drilled very well.
I know you are in Sweden, does this pipe have a 9mm filter in it? If so, try removing it and see if that frees up the draw.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2011
A cob is the way to go and when you are ready to step up just a bit, go look at a morgans bones pipe online. They are cheap and smoke great. You can't go wrong with one. I have had mine a year and I smoke the heck out of it.

Nov 12, 2018
Thank ya'll! And I really mean it! I'm glad that I am now a part of such a wonderful community!

I've checked on the internet to find out how to check if my tobacco is dry enough and it is! The hole in the bowl is very narrow maybe like 1.5mm in diameter. The pipe does not use 9mm filter it has some sort of special filter I think. I have tried without the filter but still the same result. I guess it is a really bad pipe since ya'll tell me to throw it away Haha.
I will probably order a pack of MM seconds and some Dunhill Early Morning since I found it in an online tobacco store which I heard is good.

Thanks for all the tips!



Feb 21, 2013
You're on the right track. I tend to chew up the stems on the standard MM cobs, so I like to buy he special editions or series that have acrylic stems, rather than retrofit them with acrylic stems, although Forever stems are good and I have some of those. See how you do with the stems provided, but that is a good alternative. I like their Charlie Townes and Dagner acrylic stem pipes, about $24. These days, I don't think of my MM cobs as disposable pipes; they're "permanent party" ... as they say of members of a ship's crew.



Aug 25, 2016
+1 on the Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipe recommendation. The bag of smokable seconds is probably a good idea. Dunhill EMP is an alright tobacco, good enough to serve as an introduction to pipe smoking. I hope your next experience is much better than your first!

Nov 10, 2018
Newbie here myself but not to pipe smoking, Missouri Meerschaum pipes are a fantastic smoke for the price point. If you really want a wood one I that wont break that bank try a MrBrog pear root in a style you like and that has good smoking reviews. You are looking at around $25 with their cheaper range pipes and from experience most smoke amazingly for the price. Again some dont so do check the reviews.
As for tobacco's depends on the person and if you smoke or have smoked anything else.

For a total newbie I would go for Captain Black original, its an easy aromatic with nice flavor and room note.

If your a cigar smoker and looking into pipes I would try something like Peterson Irish Flake as it is strong in flavor and nicotine.

And if your an occasional smoker then just try what takes your feelings. I have found pipe tobacco is very subjective and one mans sup is another mans poison!



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Crash- good point. Briar, cob or meer= OK!
Wilhelm- Can you please answer:
What tobacco are you smoking? How are you drying it?
My druthers are for an already broken in pipe (aka "estate"; used; pre-smoked).



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 19, 2014
If you're interested in a flavour similar to a cigar, you may find a similar taste in English blends with latakia. It won't taste like a cigar, but it will give you a full, rich, smoky taste. Those are often the "ah-hah" blends pipe smokers find. So... this is what tobacco is? That sort of thing.
Coming from cigarettes, it may also provide the big flavour of tobacco you crave.
If you're smoking an aromatic, the tobacco taste, to me, is "thin" as you say... much of the time. Without some good practice smoking a pipe, aromatics can seem tasteless and light, but that is mainly because of technique. It can take a lot of patience to pull the intended flavour out of an aromatic. Tough to do when starting out, but not impossible.
Try switching to a heavy latakia blend (Westminster by GL Pease, Dunhill's 965, that sort of thing) or maybe a virginia/perique blend (Haddo's Delight by GL Pease, Reiner Long Golden Flake, etc.) for something spicy. Those will probably give you the big hit you're looking for. Also, there is a good blend by GL Pease called Key Largo which is made with cigar leaf. Won't be at all like smoking a cigar, but the flavour is great if you previously enjoyed a cigar.

Nov 10, 2018
Crash the Grey is right on the chance of cracking in pear root I have seen it in others but have so far been lucky myself. And will choose briar over pear root myself everyday of the week. But I will also say I have two MrBrog that are good smokers and so far are in one piece.
If you are willing to smoke an estate pipe I would look out on ebay, or such like for something on there that is briar or a backed name. It takes a while and you have to keep an eye on the boards but you can get some exceptional deals on some fantastic pipes. In saying that my last three pipes were from ebay and all under $25. You just have to find something you like , have a good look at the pictures to make sure its not damaged, do a bit of research on the brand and type of pipe, make sure you are not being gouged for shipping and you can end up with a very good pipe at little money.

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