I think that's why people seeing it as a cultured and sophisticated act. Because there is a learning curve and much of the enjoyment is found by paying attention (even if you're an old hand and the attention happens without actively applying attention [psychologists call that state "flow"]. Kind of like the difference between knowing bourbon and doing shots of Jack Daniels (not knocking either, just saying they're different pleasures with different parameters).True. I smoked cigs for 30 years and quit cold turkey 8 years ago. I really got into the bourbon game a few years ago and the cravings started back. Tried cigars but Mrs. Wheel was not having it. Stopped by my local B&M and there was a guy smoking a pipe on the front porch. It was an aro and smelled wonderful. Well the light bulb went off in my head. I walked in and started smelling jars. Left with a few one ounce samples and a MM Legend. Mrs. Wheel gave her approval and I was off and running. After a couple of weeks in, my frustration kept growing. Wouldn’t stay lit, couldn’t get the flavor, yada yada. I decided to swallow my pride and seek direction. Tried the YouTube videos but those guys put me to sleep.
I happened upon PM Forums one day while researching a pipe.
Started following the advice given and what do you know?! I started tasting all the wonderful flavors I had been reading about on TR. I put the aros to the side, picked up some Plum Pudding, got the hang of it and never looked back. There is a learning curve but once you get the knack of it- Bliss!
All that said I wish I would have had resources like this site when I was 16 and started smoking a pipe. The only good advice I got on pipes was to quote the gentleman "it's not a cigar don't suck it's duck, it's a pipe you make love to a pipe". Funny thing is I got what he was saying and improved my cadence early on. Though it took a long time for me to discover that drier and looser are better. Drier found by accident by leaving a tin open and looser from chatting with folks here. (to continue with the randy theme, a pipe is the opposite of a ladies fun-time parts in one way dry and loose is the most enjoyable.)