Surprising number of members from NC. Haven't been out your way in awhile. I did some consulting at Corning fiberoptic a couple of years ago. My Texas Pete consumption makes a major contributor to the economy though.Thanks FurCoat. We sure don’t lack for fellow Tar Heels on here,do we?!
My daughter‘s soccer coach was/is VP of marketing for Texas Pete. His wife used the soccer parents as a test market for new products. Left their house on more than one occasion drenched in sweat.Surprising number of members from NC. Haven't been out your way in awhile. I did some consulting at Corning fiberoptic a couple of years ago. My Texas Pete consumption makes a major contributor to the economy though.
It sure is nice here. Thank you.Thanks Trainpipeman. You live in a most beautiful part of the country. We really feel in love with the area when we visited several years ago.
Thank you Ettrick puffer. A visit to Scotland and the U.K. is high on our wishlist.
Thanks CoffeeAndBourbon. I’ve spent many a summer vacation in your neck of the woods between Wrightsville, Carolina, and Kure beaches. Love your forum name as they are my morning and evening beverages of choice. Is it just me or did all the bourbon in NC increase $10.00 a bottle?Welcome from Wilmington!
Thanks rushx9. It’s been a while since I’ve been through Shelby but I do recall having a great meal at Bridges Barbeque Lodge. It wasn’t the Lexington style I’m accustomed to but different in a good way.Welcome from across the way in Shell-town!
Thank you cigrmaster. I have actually learned quite a bit from you. Your ”list of tobaccos “ has been spot on. Not exactly the easiest to find initially but once found, I realized this guy knows his tobacco. F&T CVP was my first spiritual experience with a Va.Welcome from Florida. If you have learned anything of value from me, just throw a 20 spot in the jar on the bar.
Thanks crawdad. Pulliams is an institution around here.Heya. Born and raised in Walkertown just outside WS. Seeing your post really made me hankering for a pair of Pulliam hot dogs!
A lot of them sure did...Thanks CoffeeAndBourbon. I’ve spent many a summer vacation in your neck of the woods between Wrightsville, Carolina, and Kure beaches. Love your forum name as they are my morning and evening beverages of choice. Is it just me or did all the bourbon in NC increase $10.00 a bottle?
True. I smoked cigs for 30 years and quit cold turkey 8 years ago. I really got into the bourbon game a few years ago and the cravings started back. Tried cigars but Mrs. Wheel was not having it. Stopped by my local B&M and there was a guy smoking a pipe on the front porch. It was an aro and smelled wonderful. Well the light bulb went off in my head. I walked in and started smelling jars. Left with a few one ounce samples and a MM Legend. Mrs. Wheel gave her approval and I was off and running. After a couple of weeks in, my frustration kept growing. Wouldn’t stay lit, couldn’t get the flavor, yada yada. I decided to swallow my pride and seek direction. Tried the YouTube videos but those guys put me to sleep.a lot of pipe smoking is just getting the knack. You'll get there.